I've bought a SCSI CD-burner that has a mechanical counter (from 0 to 9) on the back side. You can push the two buttons to increase or decrease the number. Do you guys know what this is for? I want to connect the burner to my VSR-880 rack recorder to make backup copies.
That number wheel is there for choosing the scsi ID of the burner. The ID must be different than that of the VS' self-ID and any other scsi device you may hook up to the scsi chain. If it's the only device, then just make sure it is something other than the VS's ID, which I believe is usually 7.
Hopefully, you've done some research and know that the burner will work as a VS back-up drive?
The VS may indeed be limited as to which Iomega it can work with.... I seem to remember something about the 250MB being the limit..... but my memory is very vague on this point.
Be very aware of the potential for used Iomega drives that have the "click of death". Make sure to get some kind of doa, or return guarantee from a used item seller.
I have currently reinstalled windows vista due to some problems. Now my CD burner will not work. I use windows media player and it says that i need to install a burner and restart the app.I am think a driver failed to install, thus keeping me from being able to burn cd's.I don't have a installation cd for the dvd/cd drive because the computer was rebuilt. any suggestions?