#13276 - 12/19/06 03:33 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
@risong - a batch file is simply a text file with a .bat extension. There are many things possible to do in a batch file, but the simplist here, is just to start the ripper program without having to open up a dos window.
just use notepad to make a batchfile (rip.bat or something) with one line in it
cd2roland (driveletter - whatever your cd drive is)
put this .bat and the cd2roland.exe in a directory somewhere...
and then all you have to do is click on it from windows....when it is done move the SONG directories to where you want them....
And you can make a shortcut to this .bat on your desktop, and all you have to do is click it to start the ripper.....
#13277 - 12/19/06 04:56 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 89
Loc: Gnashville
Me jumps around like an idiot.....
I just now used Bear's cd ripper and successfully extracted my cd backup of a song I did a couple of years ago!! *screech!* *hoot!* *gibber!*
I am encoding a DVD at the moment, so no can install Reaper for the time being.
But yes!!! I have a folder entitled Song6 on my hard drive!!
Now I can edit in a .wav editor! And use ACTUAL PLUGINS!!!
omigod......i am drooling....
Words cannot describe the happiness....this has made my year.
These guys who created these nifty little apps should be given some kind of award!
Spread the word.....seems there are not a lot of users posting about this....
#13278 - 12/19/06 06:00 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 05/08/02
Posts: 6189
Loc: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Originally posted by Hardrock69: Spread the word.....seems there are not a lot of users posting about this.... I have my own theory about that, which is this:
THEY WERE TOO OVERWHELMED BY ALL THE TECHNICAL DISCUSSION THREADS... so they tuned out. And with that said, I want to summarize how this magnificent piece of work came to be. I now give you:
"How the RDAC to WAV Convertor Came Into Existence"
This all started with randygo joining the planet just a few months ago, searching for a simple tool that could convert VS tracks to wavs for his newly acquired vs1680. He couldn't find one so he decided to create one. He then proceeded to spend over 100 hours trying to decifer RDAC for MT2... AND HE DID IT!!!
That started the spark and the fire was lit. Due to the sheer exhaustion of what all that hard tedius work put randygo through, he gave up on going any further... that's where danielo came into the picture. He jumps into the thread and kinda "kick starts" randygo to keep pushing ahead to tackle the other formats and offered to help him.
That was the push that randygo needed and from that point on, IT WAS ON!!!!
From there, a slew of threads were started for those two to communicate, experiment and document their progress. For me (and probably mostly everyone else reading) it was WAAAAAAAAY over my head. It really seemed like rocket science. The things these two were discussing read like chinese to me. Soon after those threads began, I tuned out because it was just way too confusing for me.
I believe many others did the same thing.
Then I learned that the only way this was gonna work was by using external drives like zips, etc... Backup cds were out of the question. Well, once again, I got disappointed and tuned out again because all I use is backup cds... but at that point, no one could figure out how to get a pc to recognize the data on one.
Then I came back later and saw that bear joined in and said it would not be difficult for him to write a program that would recognize and rip the RDAC files right off a backup cd.
THAT'S WHEN I REALLY GOT INTERESTED!!! Man, if he could pull that off... that would be the sweetest icing this cake would ever have! So I sat by the sidelines and just watched the threads in hope of bear being able to actually come through... AND HE DID!!! YAY!!!
Then my soul brother Hook put all the pieces together and did it from start to finish... and he posted about it in the 880 forum. I had to try this for myself so I followed Hook's post in the 880 forum... but I had a lot of problems getting it to work because Hook referenced other threads for further instructions instead of including it in his thread. And I felt like I had to search through too many confusing threads to find basic information I needed to make this work.
I did finally get it to work and I was so overjoyed. I couldn't believe it actually happened after all these years of planeteers clamoring about it here on the planet.
And the coolest thing about all this? The fact that it was a 100% grassroots effort.
ROLAND DID NOT ASSIST OR HELP IN ANY WAY. Matter of fact, they REFUSED our requests for this for years. I have read that they think this is a bad thing for their business. I guess their theory is that if they make us happy with our existing discontinued recorders, then we won't go out and buy their new recorders. I really never expected them to help us with this. I am just glad they didn't try to sue anyone over this. Anyway, enough about them... back to the story... LOL!
So what I did was compile all the hard work that randygo, bear and danielo did and place it all in one very nice "ONE STOP SHOP" thread complete with easy to follow instructions in layman's terms. I did that so that anyone with a desire to convert VS tracks to wavs could do so without searching for all the needed pieces to the puzzle. By the responses I've seen in this thread, I believe I have accomplished that.
So now this thread is serving as the end result of all the hard work these 3 planeteers have done. Cracking RDAC should be considered nothing short of GENIUS!!!
And I am not sure if everyone understands just how much work and genius went into the creation of all this. Not only was RDAC cracked, but the fact that REAPER can take the SONG FILE and assemble it perfectly is AMAZING!!! See, the information on a VS backup is all over the place... it's full of takes and files and yada yada yada... just cracking RDAC was only half the battle. Yeah, the information was cracked, but then how do we assemble it?
The good news is that randygo tackled that for us too.
Like I said before, I wonder how many out there truly understand how big this really is for the legacy VS owner.
And I agree. Some awards or something needs to be given out. I am truly humbled by the genius of randygo who was the spearhead of this entire project.
#13279 - 12/19/06 07:01 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
Agreed Funky - The really really genious about this all is the cracking of RDAC.
I have known for a long time I could get information off of a roland disc, but what good did it do if it was in RDAC.
I worked on RDAC a bit, trying to understand the patent, but never really got very far, and just gave up a couple of years ago.
How the hell Randygo did this still just blows me away. I was very skeptical at first, then I started studying his source and comparing it to the roland patent AND ALL OF THE SUDDEN IT STARTED TO MAKE SENSE. AND REAL WAVS STARTED POPPING OUT OF THE TEST FILES I WAS TRYING.
In my mind there is no issue of patent violation here. There exists some data and a program is written to mess with it. No one is trying to make a competing product using this technique. It's just using the data to enable further uses.
If you look at the times on randygos posts you will see how many nights he stayed up til 3 or 4 AM working on this.. I doubt if 100 hours even begins to cover it....
And to just give it away for free and publish his source for others to use is beyond belief....In my mind there is probably a pretty good chance this could have been financially viable stuff...
Let's give a great 3 cheers for Randygo (and Danielo who as you say kept assisting and pushing him on)
#13280 - 12/19/06 07:20 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 08/22/04
Posts: 43
Loc: Port Angeles, WA
#13281 - 12/19/06 07:24 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 08/22/04
Posts: 43
Loc: Port Angeles, WA
Kudos to Randygo Bear, Hook and Danielo for their effort. I certainly think Roland should reward their effort by purchasing the code from them and offering the convertor as a plug in. In any case, I am impressed. My eyes would just glaze over as I read the techie thread stuff. I don't think I could ever understand that sort of thing and I took a C++ course in college way back when. That's one fine thing you've done for the world guy's. Here's to you.
#13282 - 12/19/06 10:29 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Space Cadet
Registered: 11/28/06
Posts: 27
Loc: new zealand
ok ... I've made a .iso image, from a back up..is there any particular folder I need to put it in?
VS-880 ... ten yrs & beyond ... still going strong.
#13283 - 12/19/06 01:27 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Premium Artist # 144
Registered: 02/25/02
Posts: 702
Loc: West Warwick, RI
I get an error message saying 12 EDL header items missing. What is that? Thanks for the great work guys. This is cool.
#13284 - 12/19/06 06:30 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
@VM just put the cd2roland.exe and the .iso in the same folder. It doesn't where, as long as both of them are in the same one. SONGx subdirectories will be created in this folder also. Make sure you have enough disc space on the drive you put it on
open command window, use dos change directory command (cd/directory)to go to this directory. (or make a batch file)
cd2roland (filename.iso)
report back on how it works....
@risong - this is a new one on me... what version reaper are you using? What version of randygo's dll are you using? Did you put the dll in the c:\program files\reaper\plugins directory? What VS machine are you using?
In the SONGx directory where you have the SONG.VRx file you are trying to open, do you see a file called EVENTLST.VRx? And then several files called TAKExxxx.VRx? what file extensions do these files have .VRwhat?
#13286 - 12/19/06 09:52 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Space Cadet
Registered: 12/18/06
Posts: 1
Loc: south of Germany
@randygo, @bear, @all:
Hi, I just registered after visiting this board for years to say thank you to randygo and bear for their unbelievable work. It was the most disappointing thing that it was that hard to transfer the tracks from my VS1880 to my PC to further process them. I allways hoped to stop by finding someone who solved right that - and now it happened. Really amazing!
Thanks a lot!!!
#13287 - 12/19/06 10:24 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
martin s
Registered: 02/24/06
Posts: 224
Loc: quebec CA
yea that's very great what Randygo,Bear & Dannielo did acomplish for the vs-users. (it's over my head)
i did back-up 21 songs using bear(ripper-cd program) and using randygo(plug-in)inside the reaper program to open the vs-song right-there all in perfect syncro!.
also,they did not just accomplish a genius work, they are generous person,always ready to help here when someone need help to make this program to work.
many thanks & kudo to Randygo,Bear,danielo
Vs-1824,SONAR 5 studio,yamahaHS50m,rhode ntk
#13288 - 12/19/06 11:48 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 12/10/02
Posts: 4789
Loc: nw Ohio
Man, you guys are Godz among men!!!!!! I will definately do this!
#13289 - 12/20/06 08:26 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
Just an FYI - the VS machine can easily be set up to be a control surface for reaper...
This is cool... get your tracks into reaper, then do a mixdown using your VS machine faders..
I am pretty sure sure you can even record fader moves...much easier in my mind than automix
Also MTC sync seems to work with reaper as master and vs as slave.. for adding more tracks on the VS after moving tracks into reaper
#13290 - 12/20/06 03:39 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Planeteer/Artist # 270
Registered: 04/09/04
Posts: 1348
Loc: Alexandria, VA
I've been wathcing this from the sidelines, and this is WAY cool!
So glad to see the Planet has solved this major issue.
Thanks RandyGo, Danielo, and Bear!!!!
 “How long does a rhinoceros last after he's moved to compassion?" - Pablo Neruda The Book of Questions Fox\'s Tunes
#13291 - 12/20/06 06:08 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Carl M
Registered: 05/04/04
Posts: 3365
Loc: San Antonio, Tx
Does it work with the 2480. I was following a thread in the 2480 forum for a "card" that could be used to transfer files. Is this the same thing? Please forgive my ignorance and my hat is off to you guys for all of your hard work. Thank you.
Doc .......... Kitty heaven is Mousey hell !!!!!!!!!!
#13292 - 12/20/06 07:06 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
@Carl - yes it is (supposed) to work with the 2480 backup CDs. Actually I have a few test CDs from the 2480 that I got from Frank Griffith, and it works fine with them.
No "card" is needed, you are thinking about the VirDis system. This whole thing can be had for the very reasonable price of $0
Just stick a Backup CD in your PC and run....
I have not seen a whole lot of interest from the 2480 community so I do not know much testing has been done, but as I say with my 3 test case discs it works fine.
I think most 2480 users are a bit uninterested because they already have the wav creation ability direct from th 2480. However, you might try it and like it. I think it is a faster process than the 2480 wav burn.
#13293 - 12/21/06 04:31 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 08/18/01
Posts: 130
Loc: Chicago, IL USA
I just want to thank all those involved in this utility. WOW!!! My faith in mankind is restored by knowing there are those that will share this technological know-how without asking for a dime. I hope Roland is ashamed of themselves!!
Merry Christmas one and all!!!!
Life without music would be a mistake.
#13295 - 12/21/06 07:51 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
@Funky LOL. Yes, it is easy to get carried away on the PC and get lost in the myriad of possibities.
I have probably collected several hundred VST and VSTi's over the last few years. I find I get more done if I just keep a FEW active, a couple of my favorite reverb/delays and a couple of compressors and such.
Tracks start to sound really over processed if you are not careful...
Have you tried setting up your 1880 to be a control surface in Reaper? This is a pretty cool way to do mixing....
#13296 - 12/21/06 07:54 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 07/01/04
Posts: 1150
Loc: SoCal
Funky..... Its only a matter of time, till you phase out the VS recorder all together (cut out the middle man). Its funny, that this conversion tool was designed by VS users, to help the VS user, and, by doing so, will ultimately help with the demise of the VS.
it just the logical progression of things.
of course, this is just my opinion. LOL!
#13297 - 12/21/06 09:06 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Nathan's Dad
Registered: 11/10/04
Posts: 673
Loc: Houston, TX
Originally posted by NYC: Funky..... Its only a matter of time, till you phase out the VS recorder all together (cut out the middle man). Its funny, that this conversion tool was designed by VS users, to help the VS user, and, by doing so, will ultimately help with the demise of the VS.
it just the logical progression of things.
of course, this is just my opinion. LOL! Bingo! That's why Roland never did this themselves! Well, one reason anyway.
My problem with PC's and Windows is that they are so glitchy and quirky (like me) :banghead: :rolleyes: that I really don't think they can be depended on like the VS machines can. Now if you/I had a MAC that might be a different story.
#13298 - 12/21/06 10:08 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
I don't know, I have a pretty reliable PC setup, but if I have a really important track to get of something that I am only going to have one chance at, I still reach for the 1680, it has never let me down...
Also for live recording you can't beat the all in one box..
I say having both is the best of all worlds...
#13299 - 12/22/06 05:18 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 05/08/02
Posts: 6189
Loc: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Hey NYC,
I hear what you're saying, but I'm not leaving my VS recorders anytime soon.
VS users have been asking for this tool for years because they wanted to be able to easily collaborate with other platforms and many just wanted the ability to record in the VS and mix in a pc. Up until the creation of this tool, that was a PITA.
I don't think this tool will lead to the demise of the VS. The VS is a solid recording platform. It may be old, but it still works great... can't deny that. If VS recorders do become extinct at some point, it will be by a natural progression of things as you said. This tool is going to make many current VS users like their VS recorders even more. And you're right, for some, it is going to be the thing that thrusts them into other platforms where they may want to stay permanently. I just love the fact that now we have even more choices on how we want to do things. This tool has allowed VS users to easily do more with their VS tracks, if they so desire.
I love the stability and portability of my VS. For me to abandon it at this point, I would have to get some audio I/O on my pc... and probably get a new pc altogether cuz what I'm running on now is really a sad case for a pc. LOL! I don't think it could handle much recording, but mixing on it seems to do fine from what I tested the other night. I know I could always get a laptop and venture down that road. Maybe one day that will be my natural progression? Who knows? But now, nope. I am very happy with my VS married to my pc setup.
bear, Yep, you pretty much summed it up for me. The best of both worlds is where I'm at right now. I love my VS, but I also love doing things on my pc too. So I will continue to use both until I see a NEED to abandon one or the other.
#13300 - 12/22/06 07:52 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
martin s
Registered: 02/24/06
Posts: 224
Loc: quebec CA
since the first day,
im in love with my vs-1824. last week i bought a new hard-drive for the vs, that cost me 85 bucks,for another 80 bucks or so, i could be opt for a new sound-card with more input for record directly to the pc, but na. i prefer recording directly on the vs, no latency,no risk of problem of lost syncro,when overdub..ect. and yeah,im agree that's the best of both world,having a vs-recorder & a pc-DAW software.
ho hey,next month i will buy a vs-1680!. one fx-card, and a extenal cd-burner includ for 300 bucks!.
im soo excited to link my vs-1284 & the vs-1680. for live recording it will be great having 16 input in real time!.
also, many,many thanks to Randygo,Bear & Dannielo.
for the Great & Amazing work that you have done. it's more than just a convertion utility,that you did make for the vs-users.
from i when i press [cdr-back-up] on my vs,and then insert the back-up cd to the pc,run the (Bear program!), open reaper program and click-Song; (Randygo plug-in!), i feel like im openning the vs-1824,cuz i see v-track 1-1 v-track 1-2...
it's amazing for me.
happy holidays!
ps(im sorry if my english,is not that good)
Vs-1824,SONAR 5 studio,yamahaHS50m,rhode ntk
#13301 - 12/23/06 02:31 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
Just a heads up - Danielos latest WINDOWS based convertor is starting to do conversion to wav directly from roland files, without reaper for those who don't want to mess with reaper.....
Anyone who wants to help start debugging this go to his thread in the 2480 forum.....
I had started to try to add this direct wav conversion capability to the ripper program , but I am inclined to just try and assist him instead, since his program offers a nice windows GUI...
Maybe we can even get the whole cd rip process under his windows GUI...
This, to me is kind of the "holy grail". To have an easy to use windows program that can take a roland backup disc and turn it into a set of wav files.... It's kinda looking like we get there shortly...
#13302 - 12/23/06 04:46 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Space Cadet
Registered: 06/01/06
Posts: 5
Loc: San Antonio TX
Hey, I'm just hearing about this but I'm very excited!!! I have one problem, I bought my VS-1880 used and it didn't have any back up disk with it, and I don't have a cd writer for it yet, does anyone know where I can get a copy of the disk or download the info???? By the way Funkybeat how was the show??
JimmyJam-Let God keep you and you keep it in the pocket!
#13303 - 12/23/06 05:35 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
@JimmyJam - you have to have SOME way to bring data into the PC
We are talking about cd's burned as backup files to songs recorded on the vs, you have to have a cd burner as a minimum to do do this
#13304 - 12/23/06 02:03 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Space Cadet
Registered: 06/01/06
Posts: 5
Loc: San Antonio TX
Bear, I have a CD burner on my computer, is that all I need? i just don't have VS CDRII or anything like that to go directly to the 1880. When I read the post, It sounded like you guys had some type of VS restore disk for the 1880, and I was just saying that I didn't have a VS restore disk nor did I have a way of using the restore disk directly with the 1880. I thought you have to have the restore disk or backup disk to run the bear ripping.exe is that not the case? if not, I'm just over reading and I should be shot...I been spending too much time with my I IT guy at work...damn him!javascript:void(0) Smile
JimmyJam-Let God keep you and you keep it in the pocket!
#13305 - 12/23/06 02:13 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Space Cadet
Registered: 06/01/06
Posts: 5
Loc: San Antonio TX
Bear, as I read your post again I think I understand now, you are saying that you have to a song backup to disk first, I don't know why I'm acting so dumb about this, the VS is not my first recorder. I got you now, you need the back-up of a song to input in the computer...I got you! I guess I better hit ebay to get me a CDR-II, it long overdue. thanks.
JimmyJam-Let God keep you and you keep it in the pocket!
#13306 - 12/23/06 06:37 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
@JimmyJam - search the forum for the PLEXTOR model numbers that also work with the VS....
Just make sure whatever you try is SCSI, not parallel port....
#13307 - 12/24/06 07:06 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Space Cadet
Registered: 12/24/06
Posts: 5
just wondering if i could convert the wav files back to the vs?
#13308 - 12/25/06 09:17 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
This question was already asked in this thread and the answer is still no, and is liable to remain no.....
#13309 - 12/26/06 05:29 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 05/08/02
Posts: 6189
Loc: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Originally posted by bear: Have you tried setting up your 1880 to be a control surface in Reaper? This is a pretty cool way to do mixing.... Nope, I haven't. The reason is because of my studio computer. I am having a problem playing audio thru reaper on it. I can open files in reaper and convert them with no problems, but if I try to play projects in reaper, I get static over the audio. Very annoying. I think it's my computer.
When I open the converted files in Vegas on the same computer, they play perfectly. Go figure.
So until I replace that computer, I won't be using reaper as a control surface.
#13310 - 12/26/06 07:57 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6813
Loc: abq,nm,usa
@funky - what sound card are you using?
Have you looked in Reaper at options/preferences/audio/device to see what driver is being used?