#13347 - 01/14/07 05:43 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6812
Loc: abq,nm,usa
@Uptildawn - I do not understand your concern about alignment on the timeline. Both reaper import and danielos wav convertor keep everything lined up perfectly...all wavs start at time 0 but all audio clips within the wav are correctly timealigned...there should be no manual re-alignment necessary.
Yes it is easy to export all tracks from reaper as wavs that can be fed into other programs..they will come out just like danielos program, all starting at time 0, but all audio correctly lined up within the wavs on the time line. ...
I have not tried the ripper on CD-RW... I do not know if I even have any to try... with CDRs costing about 20 cents I quit messing with CD-RW a long time ago.... if I can find a cd-rw kicking around I will try it...
As far as some cds not working on some cd drives I am at a loss, all cds work perfectly for me on 4 different drives here....
There have been a couple of people reporting problems where a CD drive did not work, but this is something deep down in the way windows is installed and working on their machines, I really don't think I will get to the bottom of it... My best suggestion in these cases is to use a third party iso file creator as discussed heavily in this and other threads ....
#13348 - 01/14/07 08:10 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
Uptildawn - I do not understand your concern about alignment on the timeline. Both reaper import and danielos wav convertor keep everything lined up perfectly...all wavs start at time 0 but all audio clips within the wav are correctly timealigned...there should be no manual re-alignment necessary. I thought about rewording my post after I was finished, but then decided to leave it.... guess I should have afterall. :rolleyes:
I'm not speaking about wav files that start at zero in the original session... You are right that there's absolutely no problem with the function of these programs in this respect.
I'm speaking, in particular, of those many instances in which a track element is dropped/recorded in at somewhere other than zero along the timeline... say, for instance, a guitar solo midway into the song, which wouldn't make sense to begin recording from zero if it doesn't begin until 2:30 into the song. I thought this might be obvious in my original post... sorry for not specifying more clearly.
This is by no means a complaint!!!!! Just an observation of an issue that must be dealt with by those of us who make recordings that include such complex elements as regions of data which are not recorded beginning at zero on a given track.
All other cases of edits, copies, etc. are handled quite nicely.
#13349 - 01/14/07 08:24 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
I have not tried the ripper on CD-RW... I do not know if I even have any to try... with CDRs costing about 20 cents I quit messing with CD-RW a long time ago.... if I can find a cd-rw kicking around I will try it...
As far as some cds not working on some cd drives I am at a loss, all cds work perfectly for me on 4 different drives here.... I'll spend some more time with both of these points later this weekend to confirm my initial findings, bear. When I first began using the 1680 in 1997, cd-rws were a cost effective way of backing up data from my (then) $500, 4 gig hard drive to make room for more recordings using my $650, special, Roland issue, 4X write speed (or was it still 2X then?) nifty CD burner . The ability to make numerous updated backups by rotating a small stack of cd-rws until the songs were complete was quite efficient.
I still have a small quantity of these cd-rws that contain data I would like to recover. I can do it by first loading the data to the VS and then creating a new cd-r to transfer, so I have no immediate pressure to recover these. I am curious as to whether they will work, however.
The whole drive issue is a real headache in general for anybody that is faced with tracking down compatibility issues, I'm sure. The problems I am experiencing are more than likely caused by some quirky thing in my own system setup. I just wanted to mention it. DanT
#13350 - 01/15/07 03:09 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 05/08/02
Posts: 6189
Loc: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Hi uptildawn,
Not necessary to re-word your initial post. Whether you did punch ins that didn't start at zero or not, you should not have to re-align anything. That's what bear was meaning. Using randygo's or danielo's method, BOTH of them handle all alignment issues for all tracks no matter where they were recorded on the timeline.
Works perfectly on my backup cds.
Now if it's not working correctly for you, then that's different. We need to determine why it's not working for you, but working for everyone else. So far you are the only one who has reported this.
Let me ask you this: The songs that are having alignment issues, were they from backups on CD/RWs? I'm just trying to find the denominator that makes your experience different from everyone else's.
#13351 - 01/15/07 07:45 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
Let me ask you this: The songs that are having alignment issues, were they from backups on CD/RWs? I'm just trying to find the denominator that makes your experience different from everyone else's. Just had enough energy to check a couple things tonight after editing all day. It appears that I may be having alignment problems with tracks I've converted to wav from one of my VirDis bin files..... I'll have to open them up in the VS tomorrow to make sure, but I believe all the tracks and virtual layers were lined up originally in the two or three songs I checked.
I haven't had time to check the cd-rw phenom. yet.... tomorrow also.
Everything else does indeed line up nicely with both methods! Very nicely done. VSExport fills in any missing time starting from zero through to the end of each region and aligns the tracks properly when I drop them into my multi-track editor. Thanks for prompting me to check more thoroughly tonight. The many virtual tracks confuse the issue somewhat until you learn to mute the ones that don't apply. Also, I had forgotten how building a two-track mix to 15-16/16-16 in the 1680 through the Mastering toolkit offsets the mix relative to the original multi-track.... It's been a while.
#13352 - 01/15/07 10:34 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 05/08/02
Posts: 6189
Loc: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Originally posted by uptildawn: Everything else does indeed line up nicely with both methods! Very nicely done.... Thanks for prompting me to check more thoroughly tonight. No problem. That's what we're all here for, to help each other out. Glad it's working for ya now.
#13353 - 01/15/07 04:25 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 04/21/01
Posts: 353
Loc: Lawrenceville, GA
WOW - I've been away for too long, and I check back in only to find this AWESOME development.
Thank you!!!!
I have a question at the moment.
Background: when the RDAC files are converted to wav, I hear that they sound great. But with my CD project on my 1824 I had issues with RDAC (Roland's proprietary compression used in the VS) and certain sounds that were high-frequency-intensive (particularly a sitar sound). The sound was terrific right out of my synth module, but degraded noticeably the moment I enabled record on the VS. I couldn't escape this, but I thought the sound would be acceptable even thus, so I used it. In the end, the further processing involved in mixdown and mastering made me wish I hadn't used this sound.
So ... as we know, each instance of processing the sound produces some loss in quality (whether noticeable or not at a given moment).
Thus my (probably dumb) question: when we use this new technique to convert to wav files, I assume we need to think of this as one more instance of processing (re-calculating) the data, that results in at least a small amount of loss in the quality of the sound.
In other words, though the conversion generally sounds great, we shouldn't think of this as a lossless transfer. Am I right?
Thanks again everyone!
VSPlanet Records CD "Essays & Contemplations" available in iTunes, cdbaby.com or from http://www.gregclinton.com . Review at greenmanreview.com.
#13354 - 01/15/07 04:54 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6812
Loc: abq,nm,usa
@Eclectic - There ain't no magic here.... whatever the VS unit converts the RDAC to sound like will be pretty much identical to what the convertor programs sound like...
Data is data is data is data... if the RDAC process screwed up a sound to your ears, it will still be screwed up...
#13356 - 01/15/07 07:26 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 04/21/01
Posts: 353
Loc: Lawrenceville, GA
@bear -
I'm not really talking about what the RDAC has already done, but whether the conversion to wav introduces additional loss. I'm just assuming that it does - and the more I think about it, I think the answer HAS to be yes.
And uptildawn is right - I'm just looking for clarification and trying to guage the overall value of this innovation for my next project.
Again, hats off to you!!!
VSPlanet Records CD "Essays & Contemplations" available in iTunes, cdbaby.com or from http://www.gregclinton.com . Review at greenmanreview.com.
#13357 - 01/15/07 09:42 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/25/99
Posts: 6812
Loc: abq,nm,usa
I am sorry if I came off as rude, I really did not mean to be, I was just trying to answer the question.
RDAC IS NOT a lossless compression method!!!! Once you convert PCM to RDAC and convert back to PCM you DO NOT HAVE THE SAME INFORMATION YOU STARTED WITH!!!! You have a pretty close appoximation, that to most people sounds OK....
But this is a property of RDAC, not of the conversion program.
Testing Danielo has done, shows that the conversion program produces wave files that are 99.9% the same as wav files produced by the 2480 in its wav output mode......there are a few pattern differences that result in a sample value different by 1..... due to rounding error most likely
In a 24 bit signal, this is equivalent to additive noise floor of abut -140db, believe me you are not going to hear it.....
It is going to sound exactly the same whether the VS machine does the conversion from RDAC to audio, or the convertor program does the conversion. The conversion algorithm is THE SAME.
#13358 - 01/15/07 10:13 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
This is all really incredible! I'm really loving what the three of you have just opened up! :thumb:
I don't want to drag this thread down and I'm hoping that my attempts to track down this small issue will help everyone, not hinder.
I'd like to go back to the problems I'm having recovering VS sessions from cd-r and cd-rw discs.
quote from bear (?): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have not tried the ripper on CD-RW... I do not know if I even have any to try... with CDRs costing about 20 cents I quit messing with CD-RW a long time ago.... if I can find a cd-rw kicking around I will try it...
As far as some cds not working on some cd drives I am at a loss, all cds work perfectly for me on 4 different drives here....
I've been trying various backup cds today, loading them to the Roland (1680) to verify they can be accessed and then trying to extract them to the pc with CD2Roland/012.
So far, I've run into two discs that would not extract properly... one cd-r and one cd-rw.... How's that for definitive results?! Both of these discs will load into the VS and both contain multiple song files, varying from LIV mode to MTP. All the other discs I've extracted today have also had this kind of variety and no issues recovering to the pc. ________________________________________
I just finished another trial as I was typing this up.
I loaded up a cdrw (older and erased) and burned an entire set of MTP songs from the 1680 and then extracted them to the pc. Of 8 songs , 2 of them didn't extract the TAKE files. It took two more tries, but finally got them all extacted when I switched from my dvd drive to my cd drive.
On the other hand, I'm attempting to recover files from another cd-rw now. This one won't recover from the cd drive or the dvd drive, yet I just finished burning this one from the 1680 with no problems.
I don't have a clue about how this works, so I guess I'm not much help with a solution, but as long as I have some free time I'm willing to keep trying to find a pattern.
#13359 - 01/15/07 10:29 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 04/21/01
Posts: 353
Loc: Lawrenceville, GA
Thanks much, Bear.
The second part to your response is what I was looking for.
I'm not really familiar with converting to 24 bit audio out of the VS, even two tracks at a time - I've never done it. (For various reasons I was stuck with burning my mixdown to an audio CD, which is of course 16-bit, and then having it mastered from that. It came out ok but I'd really like to deliver 24-bit tracks to the mastering studio in the future.)
Yes, of course, RDAC is lossy. That was part of my point. When I record on the VS, I am already dealing with some loss of audio quality, and I don't want to introduce too many more layers of processing after the initial recording of a track.
And therefore I'm attracted to the possibility of exporting to a PC, but maybe as one of the last steps before mastering. I'm nervous about trying to use this new innovation to deliver tracks from the VS and then do the main production in another program.
In any case, it sounds like the loss from exporting is really minimal - so that gives me hope! :p
VSPlanet Records CD "Essays & Contemplations" available in iTunes, cdbaby.com or from http://www.gregclinton.com . Review at greenmanreview.com.
#13360 - 01/17/07 07:07 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 08/26/99
Posts: 218
Loc: Blaine,Mn. USA
I havne't been on in a while but I quickly tried Funkys recipe at the beginning of this thread and man it all worked great. This is freaking amazing! I haven't tried the batch conversion yet. but man! This has brought my 1680 back from the grave again!
#13361 - 01/17/07 10:39 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 05/08/02
Posts: 6189
Loc: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Originally posted by HighAndDry: I havne't been on in a while but I quickly tried Funkys recipe at the beginning of this thread and man it all worked great. Hooray for you, HighAndDry! :clap:
I tell people all the time this is not hard and anyone can do it. You are another example of how easy this is.
#13362 - 01/18/07 01:16 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 08/26/99
Posts: 218
Loc: Blaine,Mn. USA
Ya. It is easy. I still have to do the batch file thing. I mean I tried a couple cds and the conversion went cool. After I posted I did run into one hitch. And I believe that is a fault of the crappy audio in my computer. I loaded a song with 8 tracks . It played great in Reaper. no ticks or noise. When I rendered the waves and imported them into sonar I had noisy playback. Ticks etc. Again I think this is my computer's sound card fault or something is set wrong in Sonar. This isn't even my audio computer. (That is at the studio) This is a computer that is just using the on board audio. The only curious thing is that they played great in Reaper. I did want to raise a question about the original 1680 recording format. I once used a 2480 to export some 1680 tracks as waves. It worked great except for one tune that wasn't recorded in the right mode. (MTP) That one had hiss. The question is: does this conversion process (Reaper) have any limitations regarding the original recording mode? (MTP, MT1, MT2. etc)
#13363 - 01/18/07 01:26 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington
>does this conversion process (Reaper) have any >limitations regarding the original recording mode? >(MTP, MT1, MT2. etc)
My Reaper plugin works with MTP, MT1, MT2, VSR, M24, MAS, and CDR recording modes. LIV1 and LIV2 are not supported and likely will never be due to lack of demand and no interest on my part.
Do your rendered WAVs play OK in Reaper? I am guessing the WAVs you created are probably OK and Sonar is just unable to play them well for some reason.
#13364 - 01/18/07 03:46 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 05/08/02
Posts: 6189
Loc: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Originally posted by HighAndDry: When I rendered the waves and imported them into sonar I had noisy playback. How do other wavs play in Sonar on that pc? You know, wavs that were not rendered in Reaper?
If they sound bad too, then there is a problem with Sonar or it's settings.
#13365 - 01/18/07 10:30 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 08/26/99
Posts: 218
Loc: Blaine,Mn. USA
They sound fine in Reaper. (By the way that is a cool little program itself) Like I said this isn't my audio computer. I am going to bring thsi down to that one and check it out. I haven't really tried many projects on this computer. I did do a couple 1680 songs that only had 2 or 3 tracks and they seemed fine in Sonar. I need to tweak this computer a little more and/or try it in my actual audio one. I am sure they will work fine in that one. And I agree with you Funky that this is a huge thing. I am blown away that those guys were able to do that.
#13366 - 01/18/07 07:48 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
Well, I've been playing around when I get spare time and I'm having much better luck with my transfers... although I still haven't figured out what causes the problems I've experienced.
I've been able to go back to some songs that I abandoned long ago and now have a revived interest in finishing! That's really great!! I can hardly express how happy I am that someone finally came up with a decent way to transfer these files to the pc!
#13367 - 01/19/07 11:47 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 10/12/99
Posts: 645
Loc: Virginia
DanT...I had a problem with CD-RWs as well. I tried backing up the same song to CD-R and it worked fine (via bear's utility).
Wherever you go, there you are...
#13368 - 01/20/07 12:40 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
I plan on spending some more time this weekend trying to understand the problem. I've also run into a few cd-r discs that will read in the Roland, but not work in the transfer to pc.
#13369 - 01/21/07 11:19 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
klaus dibbelt
Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 8247
Loc: erzhausen, germany, europe
funkybeat and all the others - this is great news, unbelievable! i havenīt tried it yet, but if it really works it will spare me a lot of time and hassle!
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there." (Rumi)
#13370 - 01/21/07 11:51 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
klaus dibbelt
Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 8247
Loc: erzhausen, germany, europe
just checked it out - iīm speechless. thatīs sensational, funkybeat! you da man!
where can we send donations to the creators of this program?
the question of aligning the parts properly has already been discussed. they show up in REAPER as they should. now, if i want to do further editing and processing in, say, cubase, is there an easy way to rip and transfer the .wavs in proper alignment?
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there." (Rumi)
#13371 - 01/22/07 04:06 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 05/08/02
Posts: 6189
Loc: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Originally posted by klaus dibbelt: now, if i want to do further editing and processing in, say, cubase, is there an easy way to rip and transfer the .wavs in proper alignment? Hi klaus,
Sure. Once the files are in reaper, all you have to do from that point is follow my directions on converting them to .wav files. Once the files are converted, just open your software DAW (like cubase, sonar, etc...) and use it's import function to import the .wavs into the pc DAW. Once inside the pc DAW, they will automatically be perfectly aligned, just like in reaper.
I'm glad you discovered this new innovation. I wonder how many others on vsplanet still do not know or do not understand what a huge technical breakthrough this is for the VS user.
#13372 - 01/22/07 10:44 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
klaus dibbelt
Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 8247
Loc: erzhausen, germany, europe
Originally posted by FunkyBeat: [QUOTE]Hi klaus,
Sure. Once the files are in reaper, all you have to do from that point is follow my directions on converting them to .wav files. Once the files are converted, just open your software DAW (like cubase, sonar, etc...) and use it's import function to import the .wavs into the pc DAW. Once inside the pc DAW, they will automatically be perfectly aligned, just like in reaper. i havenīt tried it yet, but i wonder how that shoud work, funkybeat. if importing a .wav into cubase, it will start where the left locator currently is... or - does reaper always convert the entire track (from 00:00:00)?
thereīs a strange phenomenon i have observed: i used the "open copy of track in external audio-editor" (which was wavelab in this case). the resolution display in wavelab constantly changed between any of the values in between 16 and 24 bit. usually it remains on either 16b or 24b. is there an explanation for this?
I'm glad you discovered this new innovation. I wonder how many others on vsplanet still do not know or do not understand what a huge technical breakthrough this is for the VS user. itīs truely a breakthrough and a powerful tool. something i hadnīt even dared to dream of anymore.
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there." (Rumi)
#13373 - 01/22/07 01:59 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 05/08/02
Posts: 6189
Loc: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Originally posted by klaus dibbelt: if importing a .wav into cubase, it will start where the left locator currently is... or - does reaper always convert the entire track (from 00:00:00)? Ummmm... I don't remember. Hold on one second and I'll test it to find out:
(About 2 minutes later) Okay, I'm back. Reaper converted all the tracks from zero, my friend. I imported them to my pc daw (Vegas) and they were all perfectly lined up like I said.
thereīs a strange phenomenon i have observed: i used the "open copy of track in external audio-editor" (which was wavelab in this case). the resolution display in wavelab constantly changed between any of the values in between 16 and 24 bit. usually it remains on either 16b or 24b. is there an explanation for this? I am not the one to ask that question to. I don't really use Reaper for anything besides converting RDAC tracks to wavs. If randygo or bear can't answer that for ya, you may want to post that question on the Reaper forum. Here's the link:
Reaper Forums
#13374 - 01/22/07 02:52 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
klaus dibbelt
Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 8247
Loc: erzhausen, germany, europe
Originally posted by FunkyBeat: Originally posted by klaus dibbelt: if importing a .wav into cubase, it will start where the left locator currently is... or - does reaper always convert the entire track (from 00:00:00)? Ummmm... I don't remember. Hold on one second and I'll test it to find out:
(About 2 minutes later) Okay, I'm back. Reaper converted all the tracks from zero, my friend. I imported them to my pc daw (Vegas) and they were all perfectly lined up like I said. :o i guess, i could and should have checked that myself. thanks for your effort!
thanks for the link!
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there." (Rumi)
#13375 - 01/22/07 08:59 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
I was just wondering (not having the working knowledge, myself),
When using a software program such as Reaper to convert the tracks to wav., what determines the quality (reliability) of the conversion, if anything? In other words, how do I know my wav. conversions will be equal in quality to the original transfered tracks from my backup cd-r?
Thanks for any insight, DanT
#13376 - 01/25/07 02:18 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 08/26/99
Posts: 218
Loc: Blaine,Mn. USA
Hey Funky, Randy , and Bear. I picked up a cheap soundblaster Audigy ($30) and installed it in my computer to repalce the onboard sound I was using. I can now report that the rendered waves are working great in sonar. Once again I am blown away by the ease of the process and how great a thing that it is. How the hell did you guys write those programs? C++? Visual basic?
#13377 - 01/25/07 03:03 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Registered: 05/08/02
Posts: 6189
Loc: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Originally posted by uptildawn: In other words, how do I know my wav. conversions will be equal in quality to the original transfered tracks from my backup cd-r? Simple. Do an A/B listening test of your original RDAC tracks to your newly converted wav tracks. You be your own judge. My ears hear no difference whatsoever.
HighAndDry, I'm glad you got that squared away. Now you can enjoy this great innovation.
Now a word to everyone else out there. This process works and it works very well. It is a godsend. If it is not working for you, the problem lies with your computer or hardware. It really is just that simple.
#13379 - 01/31/07 03:08 PM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Space Cadet
Registered: 05/16/05
Posts: 5
Loc: Malaysia
Hey bear and all others - fantastic development. I peek in from time to time and this is the most amazing progress for my 1680 definitely.
One request (if I may)... I've created the .bat file (VS-Ripper), for my desktop: how difficult is it to specify a destination directory in this batch file - or better yet, request it from the user (Folder Name?....) , and simply create the folder under the same directory as the ripper is in. Eliminate mixing up data, etc. ? Possible? Anyone know the command codes in Notepad for this? Thanks again.
"too many notes... yes, that's it, too many notes..."
#13380 - 02/01/07 10:45 AM
Re: *** FunkyBeat's VS CD Backup to WAV detailed GUIDE ***
Space Cadet
Registered: 05/16/05
Posts: 5
Loc: Malaysia
What am I doing wrong - .bat file? I click on the desktop shortcut, to my .bat file... and XP says "Windows does not know which program to use with this extension ".bat" " ? It won't run the .bat file... what should I associate it with?
"too many notes... yes, that's it, too many notes..."