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#1527819 - 04/24/17 12:45 AM Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder?
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63
Personally, I still like the 1680 as much as the first day I got it.

Even with other standalones to choose from, they only win out against the 1680 in terms of fidelity.

(The ultimate recorder of the bunch is probably the 1880).
I imagine it's a nice improvement on the 1680, but unfortunately, not by much. And unfortunately I've not found one to compare with--but I'd love to hear from anyone who has)

To be fair...I admit that the 1680 needs a lot of help and additional expense to sound good. Being able to rise to the challenge is something of an ongoing game, in which the object, like billiards, is not to suck.

If there's anyone out there interested in the 1680 I'd look forward to hearing from you and trading recordings and ideas etc

I can't be the only one..can I??!!!

#1527946 - 04/24/17 10:24 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63 replies. I'm going to go at length since i'm disconnecting the internet again.

I've been putting together the ultimate home recording studio for about 22 years now. My idea of the perfect retirement plan is to spend the time with a cat, a snooker table and a laboratory to make records.

The VS1680 is a seriously good recorder.
In terms of pure, solid, economical value there is absolutely no other device in the world that comes close to matching it.

First of all, always think of it as an 8 track recorder.
In fact, an even better place to begin is to consider it a two track mastering deck..Roland's version of the DAT.
Two tracks offers up it's optimum sound quality.

Adding additional tracks (up to eight) is best done with SPDIF signals that bypass the stock preamps.
Even with different preamps a certain Rolandish coloration takes place on each track so ideally, it's a good rule of the thumb to separate the tracks using different options as frequently as possible. The idea of this strategy is to prevent the same harmonic colorations having an opportunity to multiply in the same range.

For example;
two tracks with stock preamps (ie drum machine).
Two tracks using Mackie mixer
Two-four tracks through SPDIF etc.

It's a good idea as well to apply a similar strategy with FX as well.
If two reverbs are used, the end results are usually going to be better using the Roland reverb once and any kind of outboard choice as contrast.

Hope this helps.

#1527975 - 04/25/17 12:56 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
Heartwaves Offline

Registered: 08/18/01
Posts: 1743
Loc: Georgia or somewhere in the k...
Since I have years of recordings with this as the main machine,
all of these will probably stay inside this machine. We have multiple albums worth recorded on the 1680. My life partner and main vocalist knows how to use it for vocal recording and comping. I am in a learning curve with the 2480 for a project just recorded, which is sometimes daunting. Despite the bells. whistles and other tricks the 2480 is said to be able to do, the 1680 is much more comfortable to turn out a project quickly and well.
Of course, this is subject to change....
So many drummers, so little time...

#1528082 - 04/25/17 07:55 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: Heartwaves]
Bat Offline

Registered: 08/20/08
Posts: 2228
Loc: SL.UT
i still have my vs-1880,
but i quit using it back in 2006, jumping fully into a loaded DAW with Sonar,
and have never looked back.

i made an excellent album entirely with my vs-1880,
it stood shoulder to shoulder with a lot of pro releases at the time.

#1528167 - 04/26/17 02:48 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: Bat]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63
Hey bat
Believe it or not I'd bookmarked your stuff after running across a link somewhere here; not only because it was such first class work but because I imagined it might have been an example of using a 2480.

Now I see you probably cheated a bit.
I was especially knocked out by your acoustic guitar tracks. For my ear it was just the right amount of everything.
And hearing it a second time second time I figure it would be wise to go back again and have a closer listen to the kind of smoothness you have going on with the wa wa pedal too.

Did you ever reach a point where you were happy enough with your guitar tones when you were using your 1880? Or for that matter..with the 2480?

Edited by JonnyDjango (04/28/17 05:44 AM)

#1528171 - 04/26/17 03:27 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: Heartwaves]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63
It really does seem like the 1680 is a speedboat for putting songs together,,even if it's just for the sake of being able to fit your hands around the controls.

By itself it's frustrating trying to deal with the limitations of it's sound, but having a 2400/2480 on hand is like having a treasure chest of solutions and upgrades for any of my 1680's shortcomings.
You're already way ahead of me on the 2480. I've never even bothered to use my 2400 to record a song with. I value it as a mic/guitar preamp.

It makes for a pretty incredible mastering recorder compared to a TC Finalizer too.
It's never as if one is better than the other,,,it's more as if they're a complimentary pair.

To me the 24 track is the sonic upgrade the 16 track needed but never got.

Edited by JonnyDjango (04/26/17 03:36 AM)

#1528286 - 04/26/17 09:50 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63
I think what's interesting about Bat is that in order to get that good he spent a lot of time with his smaller recorders.

I found there were two different levels to using the 1680.
The first came when I instinctively hated the sound of the Roland compressor FX. But at the same time, although I was loath to admit it I did'nt know shit about compressors to begin with and even less about using a 3 band compressor.
I also hated the EQ.
They seemed Fisher Price to my ear, but at the same time, at least I wouldn't have to buy a 3 band compressor in order to poke at it. It was'nt the high class sound I knew I deserved, but the recorder still seemed to earn it's keep as a sort of classy educational toy.

The second level came when I began applying some of the concepts that had developed from reading articles on the subjects so often that something must have sunk in.
One day, as if by magic, Something worked well in a way that never worked previously.
It did'nt sound Fisher Price anymore.

I really like that about the's like scoring a goal or potting a great shot whenever you can stumble on a way to make it not suck.

Edited by JonnyDjango (04/26/17 09:55 PM)

#1528409 - 04/27/17 06:21 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
LarryG Offline

Registered: 02/04/00
Posts: 3200
Loc: FL
Jonny, I moved up to the VS 2000 many years ago, but my favorite recorder to use was the 1680.

I think the 2000 sounds better, but I was able to get really great results on the 1680 too.

Also love the video out, and the large monitor I'm able to use with the 2000. Further, the plug-ins are phenomenal.

The 1680 to me, was the easiest of all the Roland machines to learn and use. It'll always have a dear place in my heart.

Enjoy it!


#1528460 - 04/27/17 09:20 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: LarryG]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63

I like those plugins too. I found the mic modeler is like a secret weapon for shaping the low and high strings of a clean direct guitar signal. I run a jazz guitar through it and then through a basic clean amp patch as a speaker simulator...with a touch of simulated spring reverb.
I have a VG99 as well but it does'nt even come close.

#1528535 - 04/28/17 05:38 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63
Hey Larry. a Vs2000 just came up for sale in the little town that I live in.
It does'nt have any sound cards..gutted and raped by some ebay brain, but naturally I checked into what I might be missing out on. It's a nice recorder alrite. A healthy step up from the 2400.
Having three fX slots and the usb is pretty sweet.

Edited by JonnyDjango (04/28/17 05:39 AM)

#1528536 - 04/28/17 05:59 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: Bat]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63

I should have mentioned that I especially Loved your tribute to Allan Holdsworth. It was really inspiring and beautiful listening to the way you refrained from imitating him. If that was one thing any of us could take away from Holdsworth's genius it had to be that eh?
It was a real treat listening instead to your interpretation and my books, your tribute is a masterpiece.

#1528932 - 04/30/17 10:12 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63
Since this tread has died a death I'm going to post another ramble on the subject of the VS1680.
I was an idiot and did'nt realize that a Tascam 688 cassette studio recorder was'nt made obselete by the introduction of the 1680.

There were obvious problems with dividing a cassette tape into 8 separate least it seemed to be the case at the time.

Those obvious problems were all solved with a 1680, but like squeezing a balloon a process began in which different obvious problems began to surface on the "New and Improved" recorder.

One of these problems was a certain type of artificial graininess to the Roland sound as well as the sound of the EQ adjustments.

Over the years one thing that held up from the old cassette recordings I'd done was the sounds of the electric guitars I'd done. To my ear they were always smooth and listenable.
As well, despite the obvious smallness of the recordings, I was also impressed with how well the cassette had handled keyboard sounds as well.

Years of battling the vs1680 had taught me that it's EQ is actually very good as long as it's just used to shape an incoming signal.

So recently I decided to experiment by marrying the two recorders (using a dat as the pastor) and trying different combinations.

The my ears, were a revelation...and the first recordings I've ever done that impressed me with their sound quality. Sure, I was just guessing at what would work..and I cheated by using a two track cassette deck using Dolby S.

But each one solved the problems of the other.

One of the most interesting lessons took place when piping in a cassette track and using the EQ to shape it. I found the Roland EQ-for the first time ever- sounded "Hi-Class".
There was no need for anything nicer or more expensive. It was pretty much born for the job.

It turned out that the 1680 EQ quality was exactly what had been missing from the cassette porta studios.
And yet, ironically, the same high quality EQ translates very poorly in the digital realm.

So does a 2480 and it's obviously improved sound quality replace a 1680 and make it obselete? Well...not in my books.

Personally, I think it solves nearly all of the 1880/1680's obvious issues, but, once again, like a balloon being squeezed, different ones appear.

Each system has something about it that it does better than any other.

Maybe the idea of evolving a perfect standalone recording system was one of the main factors behind the great discontinuation.
Imagine a Modern day Akai DSP16 loaded with non proprietary plugins and maybe a few slots to add 500 series preamps....

Edited by JonnyDjango (05/03/17 08:06 PM)

#1528936 - 04/30/17 10:26 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63

I made no good point, but only because I lost interest in making one.
If the technology was good once..What changed?
Is there some kind of Darwinian evolution involved with music?

Perhaps there's really only proved to be evolution in marketing.

#1529220 - 05/02/17 07:23 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
magirusholger Offline

Registered: 07/23/04
Posts: 181
Loc: Freiburg, Germany

I'll go back to the original question...
I had been using VS recorders since 2003, and after abandoning them for a while, I recently set up a recording studio based on three VS 1680s which gives me 24 simultaneous tracks to record.

Ok I admit I leave the preamp gains at seven to nine o'clock and use outboard gear instead of cranking them. And I do analog summing of the three units (recording a stereo master into Reaper), in order to avoid VS summing and RDAC being applied to the sum.

Thus bypassing some of the VS's weakest points, I'm aware that there still may remain some sonic drawbacks, compared to state-of-the-art equipment. And sometimes realtime bouncing really sucks :-)


I'm sure that I, personally, do get better results as if I were recording and mixing on a computer-based DAW.

I should mention that I've specialized in live recordings (studio, rehearsal room, or gigs) of entire bands who believe in the power/energy of actually playing together.

I'm having 24 faders in front of me in the control room, and it's so easy to make GOOD DECISIONS while setting up microphones! Want this or that overhead pair? Compare different combinations of say 5 mics on front of the guitar cabinet and remove those 3 mics that don't do well!
I couldn't go that fast and efficient with a mouse (nor with any device that is based on motor faer BANKS - I hate banks), and quick decisions without mousing around lead to so much better results IMO.

There may be other ways to obtain such comfort, but using VSs I actally can afford it (as opposed to buying an SSL console)

When it comes to mixing, the same applies - it's quick and it's easy. Truth is though, detail work in the final mix stages is slower and harder than on a DAW. But I happily accept that for the ease of good mic choices and an inspired rough mix to build on.

Side effect: people are impressed by seeing three red flashing VS recorders in a row instead of an ordinary laptop. VS machines are so dated that they seem not to be considered dated but fancy \:D

#1529375 - 05/03/17 08:36 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: magirusholger]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63
That's hilarious now that you mention it. It really is a pretty good looking streamlined design is'nt it?! And you're one knows about them so they might as well be the latest and greatest!! Too funny.

"Ok I admit I leave the preamp gains at seven to nine o'clock and use outboard gear instead of cranking them. And I do analog summing of the three units (recording a stereo master into Reaper), in order to avoid VS summing and RDAC being applied to the sum."

What kind of outboard gear are you using?
Also, does analog summing refer to using the 1680 direct outs to a mixer?

#1529599 - 05/05/17 06:11 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
LarryG Offline

Registered: 02/04/00
Posts: 3200
Loc: FL

At one point, I was running two 1680s. Like you mentioned, a ton of options and possibilities for a great recording!

As I've mentioned on the forum before, this model was my favorite, and the easiest to use, of all the Roland machines.


#1529662 - 05/06/17 11:16 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: LarryG]
magirusholger Offline

Registered: 07/23/04
Posts: 181
Loc: Freiburg, Germany
Hi there,

As for summing, I considered the direct out option but ended up just summing the Master Outputs of my VS machines. Not being a native speaker, I posted a not-so-slick description a while ago: Passive analog summing of multiple VS machines

As for outboard gear, I use some compressors, deessers and stuff, but I think you've been asking for preamps - so:
4x Telefunken V672, 3x TAB V376a, one Neve 1081 clone - those for thick vintage sound. For clear neutral sound, a RME Fireface, a 16 channel Zeck ecM802plus desk (unknown but sweet) and a Focusrite Octopre, just to have some choice.

LarryG: I only can compare the 1680 to my spare 880ex and love the 1680, but I dig the 880ex's pan pots (sigh!), and its attenuation increments of 1dB as opposed to 6dB on the 1680...

#1530032 - 05/09/17 11:57 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: magirusholger]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63
I really like your idea of using cables or inputs with different impedance, It's one of the great advantages of digital recording is'nt it?
It picks up the characteristics of a circuit's sound so well.
And it's got me thinking that it might have to do with why my preamp seems so underpowered when used with the Spdif of the 1680.
(Not sure i'd want to mess with that impedance though)
I had your process confused with "mix bus summing" but the idea of messing with the impedance values seems very practical.
Do you suppose there's an easy setup for making the resistance of a 1/4" cable end or an xlr end variable?
To date, the nicest tone control I 've heard yet was the tone pot of an electric guitar..

Edited by JonnyDjango (05/10/17 12:29 AM)

#1530407 - 05/13/17 10:46 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
ricco Offline

Registered: 01/12/16
Posts: 140
Loc: Victoria BC, Canada
Hi JonnyDjango,
I felt complelled to give you some quick feedback. I LOVED my VS 1680. What I didn't like: the multi-use of sliders for EFFECTS 1&2 and 3&4. Drove me bananas. I would often, sadly, get the assignments confused, which played havoc with my recording time, whatwith buggering-up recordings, and causing hours of confusion or grief. Remember, this can hardly be a failing of the 1680; more of a dopy operator than anything else. In my defence, I found that my patience was stretched at times, because I was constantly learning with the unit. I made lots of errors. I got into lots of jams. And I lost lots of what could have been, should have been, productive recording time, dicking around with the settings on the 1680, trying to squint at the GawdAwful tiny screen and figure out just WHAT the hell I didn't have set properly in order to get the desired the results I was after, such as put some sounds into the machine!!

The biggest beef. My failing eyesight was stating to hate the wee screen to stare into during marathon all-night recording inspirations. I did try going to a video screen using the "Logic" system, which was a total bust, as the learning curve was another monster, and I was JUST starting to get a handle on my VS 1680.
I went to all the way to the Flagship VS 2480. Offered the screen. Offered the most slots for VS8F effect cards. And very little multiuse of sliders, thank Gawd!!
I almost went to the VS 2000 (or was it the 2400???) anyway, the one that offered the USB out. However, after researching it further, I discovered that the USB was rather slow, and only did two tracks at what was the point?
I mean , you still have a SCSI port on the back of the VS 1680, which opened up the exciting possiblily of using VIRDIS, which is likely how I would have went had I kept using my 1680.

No....I really, truly liked my VS 1680. It was all about sight for me. And of course, now that I actually have a VS 2480DVD in my hands, I am pretty damn happy with it.
Would I go back to my VS 1680?
I still think the 1680 is a skookum machine for the price these days, and I was more than satisfied with the sounds and productions I was able to do.
But, even if I could figure out how to get a VGA output, I doubt I would go back to it as my main unit.
So, I can honestly say those motorized sliders on the 2480 have me hypnotized lol...

#1530440 - 05/13/17 10:51 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: ricco]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63
Hi Ricco.

It's funny that these recorders never got a chance to become all things.
It's accepted by most that the companies all discontinued the evolution of them because "everyone was switching to computers"...but if you consider the large number of Linux users out there ; that number of users can probably be safely discounted since Linux is a system you would'nt wish on anyone when it comes to recording music.
I've often wondered if the idea of an Akai DPS24 that could accept any plugin and perhaps a few 500 series modules, and work silently, was more pressure than the television broadcasting world was prepared to deal with.
My theory is that, as a result of the discontinuation the perfect recording system for under 5000$ simply ceased to be an option.

But through the years, I'd have to agree that the best option of them all was the 2480....although funnily, I have bad eyes as well and bought my 2400 with that in mind.
But I was amazed to discover that the view window of the the 24 track was actually terrible in comparison with the 1680 and that the monitor screen is virtually mandatory.

In my case, I found early on that the one thing you don't want in the same room as a stratocaster guitar is a monitor screen.

But then my monitor is one of the huge big old lumpy ones...things have probably changed since the switch to flat screens. (????)
I like your point about always struggling with learning it's use.
It's interesting that the struggle could be taken as a detriment or taken as an advantage.
in your case, whatever was gained by your struggle obviously paid off by the time you made the transistion to your 2480.

In any event...the " logic system" ?!!!? I've never heard about it before. I'll have to try and look it up...I hope there's pictures and jokes to the explanation or I'm screwed!!!

#1530442 - 05/13/17 11:06 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63 I guess you were referring to using a VS logic program.
#1530535 - 05/15/17 02:22 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
Bat Offline

Registered: 08/20/08
Posts: 2228
Loc: SL.UT
 Originally Posted By: JonnyDjango
Hey bat
Believe it or not I'd bookmarked your stuff after running across a link somewhere here; not only because it was such first class work but because I imagined it might have been an example of using a 2480.

Now I see you probably cheated a bit.
I was especially knocked out by your acoustic guitar tracks. For my ear it was just the right amount of everything.
And hearing it a second time second time I figure it would be wise to go back again and have a closer listen to the kind of smoothness you have going on with the wa wa pedal too.

Did you ever reach a point where you were happy enough with your guitar tones when you were using your 1880? Or for that matter..with the 2480?

hey johnny,
so sorry i missed your reply for so long,
you know, i really dug the 1880 while i was using it...

if it was missing anything i really needed, i didn't know about it at the time.

i'm kinda one of those guys that is totally OK, with just using whatever i have in hand to record with.

i did like my guitar tones,
i pretty much was just using the VS as a glorified tape machine,
and if i paid attention to my gain staging,
and made sure my sound was GREAT to start with,
and made sure the mic was hearing what i was hearing,
i almost always captured what i wanted.

the art of micing is NOT to be minimized.

i never used a 2480.

the drum tracks for my first album WERE recorded at another studio,
using a 2480.

#1530536 - 05/15/17 02:26 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
Bat Offline

Registered: 08/20/08
Posts: 2228
Loc: SL.UT
 Originally Posted By: JonnyDjango

I should have mentioned that I especially Loved your tribute to Allan Holdsworth. It was really inspiring and beautiful listening to the way you refrained from imitating him. If that was one thing any of us could take away from Holdsworth's genius it had to be that eh?
It was a real treat listening instead to your interpretation and my books, your tribute is a masterpiece.

thanks again, jonny, for the interest......
that song wasn't really intended as a tribute,
since i wrote it back in 2010, i'd say it was more of a way to say i admired the guy for how he stuck it out in the face of total adversity, in the way of having his music marginalized by record companies who didn't understand.

i couldn't imitate that guy to save my life!!
he was always an inspiration,
not so much an influence.
i knicked a few quirky things, for sure.

either way, i'm glad you dug my tune 'allan's resolve'

#1531320 - 05/20/17 09:21 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
ricco Offline

Registered: 01/12/16
Posts: 140
Loc: Victoria BC, Canada
Sorry..tardy reply...yes,I was referring to the piece of dogshit known as VS Logic. Alright, perhaps a tad harsh...but I was JUST getting the hang of my VS 1680...and I thought the VS Logic would solve my complaint of the tiny screen on the 1680...and it would have.
BUT...theres a whole new learning curve to get the thing to work with the 1680. I couldn't be bothered. It would have taken me ages to sort it all out. I heard the later versions of VS Logic were a little easier to learn than the original VS Logic. They still as $60 for it with a MIDI cord on ebay. Naw...I have absolutely no regrets ponying up to the VS 2480. And as I'm getting a fully loaded VS8F-3 card for it next week, I'm sure I'll love it even more.

#1531390 - 05/21/17 03:08 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: ricco]
JonnyDjango Offline

Registered: 06/19/14
Posts: 63
I have absolutely no regrets ponying up to the VS 2480. And as I'm getting a fully loaded VS8F-3 card for it next week, I'm sure I'll love it even more.

Holy smokes Ricco!! If I had your money I would eat peacock tongues for breakfast and toss silver coins to all the children on my daily walks home from the Snooker Halls.

I have a couple of those logic discs around and it sounds like they could be used in a pinch to store songs as wave files.
'Nice to know they might have a use one day.
But no....anything to do with midi data would suck.

I'm no expert on high end gear, but the 1176 compressor plugin is going to seem worth it for that alone.

I love the preamp modeler of the V*SF3 as well. It's a nice option to be able to regard your recorder as the Grand Daddy Deluxe version of the Roland MMP-2 modeler.

I'm looking forward to trying some of the other things as well but after hearing those two effects at work, I really did'nt need to hear the rest. It was all good at that point.

'Hope you'll post how it all turns out.

Edited by JonnyDjango (05/21/17 03:15 AM)

#1531672 - 05/23/17 11:24 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
magirusholger Offline

Registered: 07/23/04
Posts: 181
Loc: Freiburg, Germany
Hello planet!

And here i am... using three VSs as my main recorders!

Never mind the non-english talking stuff, the video is designed for possible clients over here in Europe. Anyway, you might enjoy it. Wait for some bars of the final mix just at the end.

#1531763 - 05/24/17 06:48 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: magirusholger]
concubinefeeder Offline

Registered: 06/24/08
Posts: 90
Loc: Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Got one of the early 8-track iterations of the VS series in late 1998 or early 1999 (a VS-840, maybe?), then upgraded to an 880-EX in mid-1999 and a 1680 in 2000. The 1680 has been the "brain" of my studio ever since. Some pretty high-end gear is going into it now, but I feel like it's grown along with me over the years and can't see myself ever needing or wanting anything more. In a way I like being limited to 16 tracks. It's forced me to really pare things down to their essentials, and to get creative with mixes when that isn't an option.

I have a few recording engineer acquaintances who've been kind of condescending about it at one time or another, adopting a general attitude of, "I can't believe you still record on one of those things! How can you run all that nice equipment into that piece of junk?" But it's never stopped me from getting gigs recording other artists/bands or making my own music. I've recorded everything from death metal to folk music with the old beast, and so far no one's been unsatisfied.

It's also rarely crashed on me over the years. All I've ever ended up losing is a single bass part. That counts for a lot in my book.

For as much as some people denigrate these machines, I still love 'em. What's that old saying? "Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder."

#1532315 - 05/30/17 07:36 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: magirusholger]
blue print Offline

Registered: 12/02/02
Posts: 246
Loc: Nederland - Haarlem
On your nice video I see three vs recorders. My questions:
1. Which VS type do you use?
2. Do you start all three recorders with a midi device?
3. What recordmode do you use?
4. How do you make the mix down and what do you use for mastering?
blue print

#1532365 - 05/30/17 09:02 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: blue print]
magirusholger Offline

Registered: 07/23/04
Posts: 181
Loc: Freiburg, Germany
Hi Blue Print,

If you are referring to this video,
these are three VS 1680s, recording in MTP mode.

They are midi synced in a daisy chain. Not ideal sync, I know. Two of the recorders are linked via s/pdif, additionally, for better sync.
However, the s/pdif audio is routed nowhere, as audio from the three individual 1680 master outputs is analog summed, and then recorded by a MAudio interface (no makeup gain required) to Reaper. I track rough stereo mixes while recording to have an inspiring reference later on (first intuition!).

I use this setup while recording as well as when I do the mixdown. Mixdown includes quite a bit of automation, rerecording passing instruments through analog gear, and the like.

I could do the mastering in Reaper but prefer to give it away.

Hope this answered your questions. What are they inspired by, btw?

#1540365 - 08/04/17 10:17 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
JimmyMundane Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 02/20/12
Posts: 7
I have been using a 1680 for about 10 years now. Love it. Still have two EX880's as well.
#1541972 - 08/14/17 06:15 PM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: JonnyDjango]
Dianna Offline
Acoustic Di

Registered: 02/17/13
Posts: 31
Loc: Tulsa, Ok
Purchased in 1998 and I am so happy I kept mine, even through all the ProTools and Logic learning/upgrading years. I have removed all technology from my home studio and setup the 1680 about 6 months ago. I am beyond happy. When I come to create music, I can fly around on this machine I know so well and be in creative heaven... there are no updates, no driver problems, no firewire clicks and mixer breakdowns... Although I loved it, I have spent countless hours troubleshooting LogicX. I have already started my next CD on the 1680.

Edited by Dianna (08/14/17 06:16 PM)
Roland VS1680 (1998); 2 VS8F-2 FX
Roland VS2480DVD (2020); Currently 2 VS8F-2s and 1 VS8F-3 cards
iMac 27", High Sierra 10.13.6; Logic 10.4.8 / Focusrite Scarlett i818 & Solo

#1542367 - 08/17/17 03:29 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: Dianna]
Space Cadet

Registered: 08/17/17
Posts: 1
I love my 1680 and my 880EX. Both have the CF card conversion instead of hard drive and they are fantastic. Latest You Tube post is:

#1542659 - 08/19/17 08:58 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: magirusholger]
blue print Offline

Registered: 12/02/02
Posts: 246
Loc: Nederland - Haarlem

I have read your other posts, they explaning a lot.
I use my VS-1824CD as my main recorder and training device.

I could do the mastering in Reaper but prefer to give it away.

Do you mean that you do'nt do any mastering but handed the mixdown to your clients?
blue print

#1552552 - 11/28/17 04:38 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: blue print]
RD Offline

Registered: 07/29/02
Posts: 1411
Loc: Michigan, someplace near a swa...
Just purchased a second 1680 from eBay to add to my original 1680 that I purchased new in 96. Happy day. (This one cost a bit less lol)
Using my original VS 1680 27 years now and counting!

#1552919 - 12/01/17 12:38 AM Re: Is there anyone else here still using a vS1680 as their main recorder? [Re: RD]
Hardrock69 Offline

Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 89
Loc: Gnashville
My VS-1680 is all I need.

A 16-track digital tape deck.

Sure I can use the FX cards I have in it, and do other things with it, but for the most part, I just want a tape deck.

No muss, no fuss.

I don't have any latency issues. I don't have to worry about driver issues, or any other hardware issues.

It was designed for ONE thing.

To record audio.

I export and do mixing/mastering on my PC.

For tracking? I need the simplest, most reliable recording device I can find.

All I need, this thing delivers.

An old acauaintance of mine here in Nashville who has produced several major label country albums over the years once said that if he were to build a studio in the early 90s with all the features this thing has, he would have had to spend a quarter of a million dollars.

He also made the comment that there is something about the A/D converters on these things. He had eventually switched to Nuendo as his primary recording setup at his publishing company, but he said that for some reason the VS units always sounded better than anything created in Nuendo. He blamed the converters for it.

It has been a few years since I have done any tracking. I drifted off into video production land and have been adventuring around in that.

But I will never sell my VS unit.

I am happy to see that Roland has an official web page now with info about the methods for transferring wav files to PC.

Someone there finally decided to acknowledge the efforts that were put in to figure out their algorithms.

I wrote a letter to the president of Roland in Japan some years ago asking him to release the RDAC info so his customers (us) could get more functionality out of the VS series. I actually got a reply.....a polite "no".

Seems someone changed their minds slightly.

Here is what really blows my mind.

I paid 1400 bucks for mine in 2002. Used, with flight case and SCSI CD Burner.

I find them on Craigslist now for 75 bucks.

And by hotrodding them with SSDs, the funcionality and life of these things has just been extended into the future.

Long live the Roland VS Recorders!

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