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#1540857 - 08/08/17 07:36 AM Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington
Hi All!,

It's been a while since I've been here. I sold my VS-1680 some time ago, but recently I just picked up a mint VS-1880 for $20 at a garage sale. I've slapped a CF drive in it and then I realized I can't read the drive on a regular PC. Now I remember... I knew this before! Roland used some weird custom FAT16 scheme in these devices. I didn't have this problem with my VS-840.

Anyway, I've discovered what they have done and have a utility program almost ready that will transfer songs from a VS 1680 and 1880 IDE hard disk directly onto your Windows 10 filesystem for use with my old RDACtoWAV converter. Any interest?



EDIT: I figured out where the four extra 2GB partitions are on the 16MB disk. Code modified below.

Edited by randygo (08/09/17 06:03 AM)

#1541045 - 08/09/17 02:44 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington
Here's the code. I was able to transform Roland's mangled FAT16 filesystem from the VS-1880 IDE drive (actually an SD card inserted into a CF adapter) into the PC, and then use RDAC2WAV.exe to convert the TAKE files successfully. Now we know how to get the data without requiring SCSI as an intermediary. You will need to install Node.js and run this script as Administrator on Windows. Code works, but is quite slow, certainly could be optimized or rewritten in C. Have fun!

Cheers, Randy

var fs = require("fs");

require("util").inspect.defaultOptions.depth = null;

// Copy Roland VS Recorder Data from IDE drives (Hard, CF, SD, or other) to a
// regular Windows filesystem for use with RDAC to WAV converter programs.
// Note: The change from regular FAT16B is that Roland has swapped adjacent bytes
// in the data section - the clusters are fucked! This program accounts for this.
// Known systems affected by this are VS-1680 and VS-1880, possibly more, such
// as VS-1824, VS-2480, let me know.
// Note: VS-840 and possibly other devices have normal FAT16 layouts and do not
// need this transformation.
// Copyright 2017, Randy Gordon ( All rights reserved.
// PayPal appreciated:

// Note: Cluster numbering starts at 2!

// TBD - parameter input?

var driveId = 1; // SD card on my system, TBD: parameterize
var driveDevice = "\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive" + driveId; // This is Window's way to identify a physical device
var targetDir = "c:/testout"; // Location to write converted filesystem, TBD: parameterize

let SECTOR_SIZE = 512;
let SECTORS_PER_FAT = 256;
let DIRECTORY = 16;

// Open the block device for reading
var fd = fs.openSync(driveDevice, "r");

// Get partition info
var partitionSectors = getPartitionEntries(MBR_START_SECTOR);

// Roland has a custom way of adding an additional four partitions.


var partitionSector = partitionSectors[0]; // Test with first partition

// Read the boot record for the (first) partition
var bootRecord = getBootRecord(partitionSector);

// Useful global values for now
var clusterStartSector = bootRecord.clusterStartSector;

var fat = getFAT(partitionSector + bootRecord.reservedSectors);

// Get the root directory, and recurse to all (only one level!) subdirectories.
var files = getDirectoryEntries(bootRecord.rootStartSector, false);

// Copy all the gathered file and directory data into a normal Windows filesystem.
writeFiles(targetDir, files);

// End

// Reading
function getPartitionEntries(sector) {
// Each of the four partition entries are 16 bytes each.
// All we really care about here is the start sector for each partition.
var partitionSectors = [];
var partitionOffset = 446; // Historical
var buffer = new Buffer(SECTOR_SIZE);

fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, sector*SECTOR_SIZE);

for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
var firstSector = buffer.readUInt32LE(partitionOffset + 8);
var sectorCount = buffer.readUInt32LE(partitionOffset + 12);
partitionSectors[i] = firstSector;
partitionOffset += 16;
return partitionSectors;
function extrapolateExtraPartitions(partitionSectors) {
// Not standard FAT16! This is how Roland rolls.
var partitionSize = partitionSectors[1] - partitionSectors[0];
var lastSector = partitionSectors[3];
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
partitionSectors.push(lastSector + partitionSize);
lastSector += partitionSize;
function getBootRecord(sector) {
// Standard for FAT16
var buffer = new Buffer(SECTOR_SIZE);
fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, sector*SECTOR_SIZE);

var formattingOS = buffer.toString('utf8', 3, 11); // Should be "Roland", TBD - check and reject
var bytesPerSector = buffer.readUInt16LE(11);
var sectorsPerCluster = buffer.readUInt8(13);
var reservedSectors = buffer.readUInt16LE(14);
var fatCopies = buffer.readUInt8(16);
var maxRootEntries = buffer.readUInt16LE(17);
var sectorsPerFAT = buffer.readUInt16LE(22);
var sectorsInPart = buffer.readUInt32LE(28);
var rootStartSector = sector + reservedSectors + fatCopies*sectorsPerFAT;
var clusterStartSector = rootStartSector + (maxRootEntries*32)/bytesPerSector;

return {
formattingOS: formattingOS,
bytesPerSector: bytesPerSector,
sectorsPerCluster: sectorsPerCluster,
reservedSectors: reservedSectors,
fatCopies: fatCopies,
maxRootEntries: maxRootEntries,
sectorsPerFAT: sectorsPerFAT,
sectorsInPart: sectorsInPart,
rootStartSector: rootStartSector,
clusterStartSector: clusterStartSector
function getFAT(sector) {
var buffer = new Buffer(SECTOR_SIZE*SECTORS_PER_FAT);
fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, sector*SECTOR_SIZE);
return buffer;
function getClusterChain(fat, cluster) {
var chain = [];
var index = cluster*2;
while (true) {
var nextCluster = fat.readUInt16LE(index);
if (nextCluster <= 0xffef) {
else if (nextCluster >= 0xfff8) {
index += 2;
return chain;
function getDirectoryEntries(sector, isClusterFucked) {
var done = false;
var buffer = new Buffer(SECTOR_SIZE);
var files = [];

while (!done) {
fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, sector*SECTOR_SIZE);

if (isClusterFucked) unClusterFuck(buffer);

// Up to 16 32-byte entries per sector.
for (var i=0; i<16; i++) {
var start = i*32;
var entry = buffer.slice(start, start+32);
if (buffer.readInt8(0) == 0) {
done = true;
if (!isWantedFile(entry)) continue; // Ignore garbage
var fileInfo = getFileInfo(entry);
if (done) break;

return files;
function getSectorForCluster(cluster) {
// Convert cluster to sector. Note: Clusters start at 2 - historical anomaly!
return clusterStartSector + (cluster-2)*SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER;
function unClusterFuck(buffer) {
// Sneaky Roland! Swap your partners:
for (var i=0; i<buffer.length; i+=2) {
var x = buffer[i];
buffer[i] = buffer[i+1];
buffer[i+1] = x;
function isWantedFile(buffer) {
// As far as I know, any file we care about starts with "V" on the file extension.
var fistCharOfExt = buffer.toString('utf8', 8, 9);
return fistCharOfExt == 'V';
function getFileInfo(buffer) {
// Standard FAT16 stuff
var name = buffer.toString('utf8', 0, 8);
var ext = buffer.toString('utf8', 8, 11);
var attr = buffer[11];
var cluster = buffer.readUInt16LE(26);
var size = buffer.readUInt32LE(28);
var isDirectory = (attr == DIRECTORY);

var sector = getSectorForCluster(cluster);
var data = null;
var dirFiles = null;

if (isDirectory) dirFiles = getDirectoryEntries(sector, true);
else data = getFileData(cluster, size);

return {
name: name,
ext: ext,
attr: attr,
cluster: cluster,
size: size,
data: data,
dirFiles: dirFiles
function getFileData(cluster, size) {
var bytes = new Buffer(size);
var clusterChain = getClusterChain(fat, cluster);
var remainingBytes = size;
var pos = 0;
for (var i=0; i<clusterChain.length; i++) {
var cluster = clusterChain[i];
clusterData = getClusterData(cluster);
if (clusterData.length > remainingBytes) {
clusterData.copy(bytes, pos, 0, remainingBytes)
remainingBytes = 0;
else {
clusterData.copy(bytes, pos, 0)
remainingBytes = clusterData.length;
pos += clusterData.length;


return bytes;
function getClusterData(cluster) {
var sector = getSectorForCluster(cluster);
var buffer = new Buffer(SECTOR_SIZE*SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER);
var pos = 0;
for (var i=0; i<SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER; i++) {
fs.readSync(fd, buffer, pos, SECTOR_SIZE, (sector+i)*SECTOR_SIZE);
return buffer;

// Writing
function writeFiles(targetDir, files) {
// Write out the unclusterfucked results to the target filesystem.
for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];
var targetFileName = targetDir + "/" + + "." + file.ext;
if (file.attr == DIRECTORY) {
if (!fs.existsSync(targetFileName)){
var dirFiles = file.dirFiles;
writeFiles(targetFileName, dirFiles);
else {

// Debug
function showPartitions(partitionSectors) {
function showBootRecord(bootRecord) {
console.log("Boot record:");
function showFileStructure(files) {
console.log("File structure:");
function dumpHex(buffer) {
var data = buffer.toString('hex', 0, buffer.length);


Edited by randygo (08/09/17 06:02 AM)

#1541064 - 08/09/17 10:41 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
martins Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 02/05/15
Posts: 14
Loc: canada
randy you rock solid man

i dont have my 1824 anymore,but your work is very appreciated!!

way to go man

martin s rock

#1541198 - 08/10/17 12:23 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: martins]
dkfackler Offline

Registered: 04/24/06
Posts: 726
Loc: Coventry, OH, planet Thulcandr...
Definitely interested, especially if 2480 compatible. How about XP or Win7?

“One must never underestimate the power of music. A mandolin over the head can really knock one for a loop.”

~ The Hero’s Guide to being a Hero

#1541325 - 08/10/17 01:56 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: dkfackler]
keeppracticing Offline

Registered: 07/13/12
Posts: 1250
Loc: Atlanta
Thank you so much Randy!!!!!
#1541403 - 08/10/17 08:03 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: keeppracticing]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington

I have rewritten the utility in Go and created a Windows EXE file that can be run standalone. It will detect the Roland physical drive automatically and export all 8 partitions from the VS drive to your PC filesystem. Here is the output from exporting my SD card from my VS-1880 - I have some demo tracks on Partitions 0 and 4 only. I will do some more testing and post the EXE for others to try shortly.

Cheers, Randy


Exporting Partition 0
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SYSTEM.VR5 (911)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SONGLIST.VR5 (40)
Creating dir: c:/testout/Partition0/SONG0000.VR5
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SONG0000.VR5/SYSTEM.VR5 (911)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SONG0000.VR5/SONG.VR5 (38)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SONG0000.VR5/COMMENT.VR5 (100)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SONG0000.VR5/EVENTLST.VR5 (5458)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SONG0000.VR5/TAKE0002.VR5 (3407872)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SONG0000.VR5/TAKE006A.VR5 (2883584)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SONG0000.VR5/MIXER.VR5 (24042)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SONG0000.VR5/MARKER.VR5 (12332)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SONG0000.VR5/EFFECT.VR5 (3960)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition0/SONG0000.VR5/SYNCTRK.VR5 (65536)
Exporting Partition 1
Exporting Partition 2
Exporting Partition 3
Exporting Partition 4
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition4/SYSTEM.VR5 (911)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition4/SONGLIST.VR5 (40)
Creating dir: c:/testout/Partition4/SONG0000.VR5
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition4/SONG0000.VR5/SYSTEM.VR5 (911)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition4/SONG0000.VR5/SONG.VR5 (38)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition4/SONG0000.VR5/COMMENT.VR5 (100)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition4/SONG0000.VR5/EVENTLST.VR5 (5330)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition4/SONG0000.VR5/TAKE0002.VR5 (294912)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition4/SONG0000.VR5/MIXER.VR5 (24042)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition4/SONG0000.VR5/MARKER.VR5 (12332)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition4/SONG0000.VR5/EFFECT.VR5 (3960)
Creating file: c:/testout/Partition4/SONG0000.VR5/SYNCTRK.VR5 (65536)
Exporting Partition 5
Exporting Partition 6
Exporting Partition 7

C:\testout>ls -R -l
total 0
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 10 12:47 Partition0
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 10 12:47 Partition1
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 10 12:47 Partition2
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 10 12:47 Partition3
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 10 12:47 Partition4
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 10 12:47 Partition5
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 10 12:47 Partition6
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 10 12:47 Partition7

total 9
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 10 12:47 SONG0000.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 40 Aug 10 12:47 SONGLIST.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 911 Aug 10 12:47 SYSTEM.VR5

total 6266
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 100 Aug 10 12:47 COMMENT.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 3960 Aug 10 12:47 EFFECT.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 5458 Aug 10 12:47 EVENTLST.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 12332 Aug 10 12:47 MARKER.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 24042 Aug 10 12:47 MIXER.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 38 Aug 10 12:47 SONG.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 65536 Aug 10 12:47 SYNCTRK.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 911 Aug 10 12:47 SYSTEM.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 3407872 Aug 10 12:47 TAKE0002.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 2883584 Aug 10 12:47 TAKE006A.VR5

total 0

total 0

total 0

total 9
drwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 0 Aug 10 12:47 SONG0000.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 40 Aug 10 12:47 SONGLIST.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 911 Aug 10 12:47 SYSTEM.VR5

total 410
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 100 Aug 10 12:47 COMMENT.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 3960 Aug 10 12:47 EFFECT.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 5330 Aug 10 12:47 EVENTLST.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 12332 Aug 10 12:47 MARKER.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 24042 Aug 10 12:47 MIXER.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 38 Aug 10 12:47 SONG.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 65536 Aug 10 12:47 SYNCTRK.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 911 Aug 10 12:47 SYSTEM.VR5
-rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 294912 Aug 10 12:47 TAKE0002.VR5

total 0

total 0

total 0


#1542756 - 08/20/17 03:11 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
Randygo, you are a legend here on VS Planet. Your work on the VS platform has extended it's designed life cycle helping solve purposeful limitations imposed on them by Roland itself. I have used your software for years and remember the overwhelming joy on this forum when it was first introduced. The fact that this forum is still going, and that these units are still making music is a tribute to your involvement in keeping them relevant and interfaced with the PC world.

I would love to try the EXE when it becomes available. Thanks for these gifts!

#1542763 - 08/20/17 03:55 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
uptildawn Offline

Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
WOW! How perfectly put into words, jerry1d!!!!

#1542973 - 08/21/17 11:26 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: uptildawn]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington

Only works for VS-1880 and MTP.

Link to download here:

#1542994 - 08/22/17 02:44 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
With the VS-1680 being so similar is it possible it will work on it as well?
#1542997 - 08/22/17 03:33 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington
Yes, I just don't have a drive image to test with. I could "guess" how it might work based on my old Reaper plugin code, but I could not release with confidence. If I recall, the EVENT files and SONG files were slightly different in format. Everything else was very similar.

P.S. Thanks for the kind words earlier. I did have some help in the final sprint to cracking MTP after my initial work on decoding MT1/MT2. Danielo and Bear come to mind, but there were others as well. Thank you.

Edited by randygo (08/22/17 03:43 AM)

#1543005 - 08/22/17 04:52 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
Just tried the new app with VS-1680 song files popping the CF card into the PC. It is seen but only displays one of 4 partitions currently on the drive, no conversion seems to take place. I realize the code is for the VS-1880, just wanted to try it out of curiosity. I could provide you with a drive image if you'd be interested in coding your app for 1680. Would be happy to pay for it if you offered the program for pressure, just sayin. tks, jerry
#1543036 - 08/22/17 04:49 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington
I have a VS-1680 SD card on the way from uptildawn. I should be able to support it after seeing that. Do you have 1GB partitions? My code might only handle 2GB partitions at the moment.
#1543067 - 08/23/17 01:40 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
Each partition on the 8Gb CF card was 2Gb. t

Thanks "Uptildawn" for providing the 1680 disk image for Randy to work with, that is very kind.

And on behalf of 1680 users thank you Randygo for your efforts to bring our platform compatibility with your software.

#1543078 - 08/23/17 07:06 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington
FYI, I've added support for MT1 decoding, fixed the sample rate for the generated Reaper project file, and fixed a pretty nasty bug with my handling of the FAT16 cluster chain when reading file data.

I've stubbed in support for the VS-1680, added support for reading non-clusterfucked drive devices (eg. SCSI), and improved the conversion speed using buffered IO.

As soon as I test out the VS-1680 SD card I will make another executable available. It will still be a 64-bit EXE for now, I tried targeting 386 but ran into a few issues with integer size differences. Probably not hard to fix, but not something I care to deal with at the moment.

I may add MT2 support as well.



#1543114 - 08/23/17 05:47 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
Cheers Randy, looking forward to it!
#1543277 - 08/25/17 06:08 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington
MTP, MT1, MT2, M16, and M24 support added. Works with 1GB and 2GB partition sizes. Fixed the FAT16 cluster-chain issue and hoping it works for VS-1680. Looking forward to test with a VS-1680 SD card! \:\)

[stale link removed]

Edited by randygo (08/25/17 08:23 PM)

#1543292 - 08/25/17 04:47 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
Hi Randy. I have downloaded and installed your most recent "VS" app to my Windows 10 (64 bit) pc, running the program in administrator mode. Took the CF card out of my VS-1680's IDE to CF drive and placed it into the PC via a usb mem card reader. The PC's file explorer shows the mem card as VS-880ST25B (E). I don't see any unpacking of data or creation of wav files however. Am I doing something wrong?
#1543297 - 08/25/17 05:24 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington

Ignore anything you might see in the file explorer. The utility will read the raw SD drive device.

When you run "vs list" on the command line what output do you see? It should look something like this if the drive is found and it contains partitions with songs:

C:\Users\randy\go\src\vs>vs list

Found Roland VS drive at: \\.\PhysicalDrive2

VS Format: VS-1880
Partition Size: 1GB
Partition Count: 8

Partition Song
4 "InitSong 001"
4 "InitSong 002"
7 "InitSong 004"
7 "InitSong 001"
7 "InitSong 002"
7 "InitSong 003"

#1543304 - 08/25/17 05:51 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
When I run "vs list" at the C:\ command line it says: " 'vs' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"
#1543305 - 08/25/17 05:57 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington
Where is the vs.exe file, is it in your path? What happens if you run:

\[path to the exe]\vs.exe list

#1543307 - 08/25/17 06:06 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
I just downloaded the application to my desktop and then right clicked the application and chose run as administrator.
#1543309 - 08/25/17 06:13 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
So I've installed it at the top of the C: directory and now when I type vs list at a command prompt and I get "unable to locate Roland VS Drive"
#1543310 - 08/25/17 06:23 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington
Interesting. I've been able to recognize my SD card in both the SD slot on my laptop and using a USB card reader.

Are you running from an Administrator command prompt? That is essential. Try right-clicking the start icon and selecting "Command Prompt (Admin)".

If you are not admin you will get the message you see. Otherwise, I'm not sure why it can't find the drive.

#1543312 - 08/25/17 06:35 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
Sorry, I wasn't quite sure what your app type was and thought it was like a standalone with a gui or something. I had right clicked on the app itself and chose run as administrator.

I am now in the "administrator" command prompt showing C:\
I then ran vs.exe and now get the user interface showing syntax options for command lines. Entered "vs list" and program took off scrolling by lines of text saying "available cluster". File sizes on each partition are very large, will wait to see if this is just part of the process of conversion.

Edited by jerry1d (08/25/17 07:50 PM)

#1543335 - 08/25/17 08:18 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington

We are close! I just received a VS-1680 card a few hours ago from uptildawn and found a few issues, one involving "AVAILABLE CLUSTERS", so I believe I have what you encountered fixed.

I will post a new vs.exe to dropbox shortly!


#1543337 - 08/25/17 08:21 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington

Try this. Fixed more issues and works with VS-1680:

#1543347 - 08/25/17 09:20 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
Ok, just tried it and upon using the "vs list" command and the "vs get" command here is the return msg:

"Found Roland VS drive at: \\.\PhysicalDrive1
read \\.\PhysicalDrive1: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error."

I think its close as well, I'll test this as many times as you wish. Will standby....

Edited by jerry1d (08/25/17 09:22 PM)

#1543348 - 08/25/17 09:27 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
Pulled card out, reinserted and ran app again. This time got:

Found Roland VS drive at: \\.\PhysicalDrive1

read \\.\PhysicalDrive1: The drive cannot find the sector requested.

#1543352 - 08/25/17 09:49 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington
How many GBs is your card? What is the partition size?


#1543354 - 08/25/17 10:00 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington

Can you confirm that the card is still recognized by your VS-1680 and you can see the songs there?

You probably know this already, but make sure you don't remove the card from the VS while it is powered up, and when you insert the card on the PC, ignore any warnings from Windows that the disk may be damaged and should it be repaired.

#1543355 - 08/25/17 10:02 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
uptildawn Offline

Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
so far, I am unable to test this out - says my win7/32bit system is not compatible.

#1543357 - 08/25/17 10:20 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: uptildawn]
jerry1d Offline

Registered: 02/17/10
Posts: 142
This particular one is 8Gb but I have other ss drives and will test them too. This card is still good, checked with vs-1680. Has four 2 Gb partitions and lots of songs. Will try my other cards.
#1543362 - 08/25/17 10:39 PM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: jerry1d]
randygo Offline

Registered: 10/11/06
Posts: 334
Loc: Washington

32-bit EXE here:

#1543383 - 08/26/17 01:46 AM Re: Copying from VS-1880 IDE drives to PC [Re: randygo]
uptildawn Offline

Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
not working......
pm'd you

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