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#1154780 - 09/11/12 05:06 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: boombapp28]
Wish Administrator Offline
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Registered: 09/09/00
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Loc: Phoenix, AZ
 Originally Posted By: boombapp28
Not to mention the $180 I spent for it six years ago.

lol...I paid over $1000 for a vs840ex new around 2000.

I would say you got quite the deal at $180,.

And I now use a Zoom R16 as an interface/controller into Reaper. I gave my 840 to a friend, but I don't think he has ever used it. It had a card reader too.

#1154929 - 09/11/12 08:14 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Wish]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
 Originally Posted By: Wish
 Originally Posted By: boombapp28
Not to mention the $180 I spent for it six years ago.

lol...I paid over $1000 for a vs840ex new around 2000.

1998 here, an original VS-840, version 1.02 as I recall. Paid $1200 from either Sweetwater or Caruso. No one in Seattle had one to sell at the time. I remember salivating when I saw it in Electronic Musician magazine.

#1155664 - 09/13/12 10:05 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
boombapp28 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 09/03/12
Posts: 11
My Zip Drive came in and I was able to install the 2.05 OS without any problems!! I followed the directions to the letter. A very simple process. Thanks for all the help!! Now, to upgrade the disk drive!
#1155688 - 09/13/12 10:50 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: boombapp28]
uptildawn Offline

Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
One step at a time...... Congrats on the update!!!

#1165248 - 10/13/12 01:25 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: uptildawn]
boombapp28 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 09/03/12
Posts: 11
I just received my ADIDECFB drive directly from Addonics. $34.00 for the drive and the price includes shipping.

I also managed to locate one Kingston Elite Pro 1Gb CF card (p/n CF/1GB-S), one Verbatim 512Mb CF card (p/n 47009), and one Lexar 1Gb (p/n CF1GB-231).

The CF cards were a bit tedious to locate but Amazon an eBay proved once again to be excellent resources. I'm attempting the CF drive swap this afternoon and hope to be up and running within the next few days. Thanks again to CornJerker and all the others who provided the necessary info.

Next up is an OPAMP replacement.

#1179397 - 12/02/12 04:20 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: boombapp28]
boombapp28 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 09/03/12
Posts: 11
Took a bit longer than expected but I have successfully installed the Addonics CF drive in the VS-840 with the EX O.S. upgrade! The only gripe I have is the little eject button on the CF drive. It's loose and seems to come out of the housing pretty easily.

Other than that little hang up, it's formatted each of the cards I've listed above with no problems and I've got plenty of recording time!

Also, the Lexar 1 GB card with p/n CF1GB-231 has an alternate card with the same specs. It is a Lexar 1 GB 4x and the p/n is 2174, Rev. A.

Thanks to Cornjerker and everyone else who helped me trouble shoot!

Edited by boombapp28 (12/02/12 04:21 PM)

#1193231 - 01/22/13 01:15 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: boombapp28]
Fernandoh3 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 01/07/13
Posts: 6

Any info. about this unit? Could it work?

#1193260 - 01/22/13 03:43 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Fernandoh3]
uptildawn Offline

Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
 Originally Posted By: Fernandoh3

Any info. about this unit? Could it work?

That appears to be the same unit that I've used in two external case mods. I'm not sure why they list it as an SSD adapter, unless they meant SD.

#1193512 - 01/23/13 01:08 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: uptildawn]
Fernandoh3 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 01/07/13
Posts: 6
Is suppoused to I have to install a CF/IDE card mounted in a 3,5 bay mounting bracket (as it's seen in ebay pics and as they sell it) that in turn must be assembled into the original drive cage from the VS.

Is it correct or am I a bit wrong?

#1225777 - 06/23/13 02:52 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Fernandoh3]
Fernandoh3 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 01/07/13
Posts: 6
Good news! I'm glad to announce this for every one who can be interested about.

This Adapter:

Product Ref: 35BAYCF2IDE Startech

It works fine with our friendly DAW as well! I've used the Kingston 1GB elite pro CF/1GB-SFE card and no problem at all.

Hope it helps ;\)

#1225804 - 06/23/13 04:00 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Fernandoh3]
uptildawn Offline

Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
Fernandoh3, that looks identical to the ones I've used. It's good to hear you got your configuration worked out!

#1258089 - 11/10/13 05:47 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Fernandoh3]
Artschw Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 11/10/13
Posts: 2
HI Fernandoh,

Is this all you need or do you haave to replace also the cable to connect this product correct?
Must I also update my VS 840 to 840 EX ?

Please reply

#1261054 - 11/24/13 09:41 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Artschw]
Rainer Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 02/14/10
Posts: 6
 Originally Posted By: Artschw
HI Fernandoh,

Is this all you need or do you haave to replace also the cable to connect this product correct?
Must I also update my VS 840 to 840 EX ?

Please reply

Any of the IDE-to-SD or CF adapters use the IDE cable that is already in your VS 840, so no extra cables are required.

For IDE-to-SD adapters, check this link, they'll probably all work (and are quite cheap):

Or if you want to use CF cards and buy an even cheaper adapter:

It's really quite simple, you connect one of these adapter instead of the ZIP drive, mount it somewhere and you're done.
Best model is something like this, with the connector and the SD/CF slot in line:

I'm no expert on the "EX" matter, but found this post:

Good luck!

PS: my VS840EX is in use as an effects unit at the moment :-)

#1264729 - 12/12/13 02:39 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Rainer]
strider Offline

Registered: 06/21/01
Posts: 897
Loc: The Vague The Hague
Hi all, well it's been almost 10 years since I last posted on this board. Good to still see familiar faces around and that the board is still up! \:\) Been recording on my VS840EXHD all the time with 1 old laptop harddisk installed which has thankfully not failed me yet. I was looking for a new harddisk only to discover they're impossible to find nowadays, so I decided to upgrade to CF. I have an MPC 1000 with CF's as well so I figure this move will be very handy as well as the noise reduction from the drive.

I have found and ordered the Startech 35BAYCF2IDE, thanks Fernandoh3! Will let you guys know how it works out when it arrives! And thanks to all who contributed to this thread!

#1265961 - 12/17/13 06:37 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: strider]
strider Offline

Registered: 06/21/01
Posts: 897
Loc: The Vague The Hague
Alright! An update, just installed it and it works. \:\)
I had an EX OS v.2.00, I used the 35BAYCF2IDE Startech, cost me 25 euros. It came with a powercable, just had to connect it and fit it in. I had a Flashcard lying around which I used for the MPC and that one worked, came up with Initialize, OK and 503 min recording time.
The card is a Transcend TS1GCF133 1GB 133x.

Again thanks all for your pioneering, this helps me out a lot for the recordings I´m planning right now!
Gonna try if I can transfer the files via the MPC 1000 to my pc and update this thread if that works out!

edit: Yes! That works as well! The MPC does not change the formatting. Awesome! Also it's kind of a weird feeling now that my 840 is not making any sound anymore \:o

Edited by strider (12/17/13 08:37 PM)

#1323573 - 08/17/14 05:28 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
nitromethane Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 02/06/10
Posts: 16
Can someone help me upgrade my VS-840 to EX? I would like to upgrade to the IDE to Flash Media Adapter.

#1446089 - 02/03/16 09:13 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: nitromethane]
Vs840ForEver Offline
Vs840ForEver - 840EX Converter Man
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Registered: 06/17/13
Posts: 20
Sure I can help.

Fortunately, people are starting to realize than composing with Workstations and minimal distraction is how you get tracks done faster and better. Our brains get tired using computer screens - trust me - focus on music only and physical knobs and gears: you'll be surprised.

#1455614 - 03/18/16 04:37 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: nitromethane]
nitromethane Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 02/06/10
Posts: 16
I successfully upgraded in Oct of 2014. So happy, I love thanks everyone.

#1465374 - 05/03/16 11:02 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
Skippy72 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 05/02/16
Posts: 10
Is there a possibility to obtain a copy of the software used for upgrading the Roland VS840 to a VS840EX?
Thank you

Edited by Skippy72 (05/06/16 12:07 AM)

#1465884 - 05/06/16 12:04 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: strider]
Skippy72 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 05/02/16
Posts: 10
Where can I get a copy of that software?
Thank you

#1465885 - 05/06/16 12:11 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Skippy72]
Wish Administrator Offline
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Registered: 09/09/00
Posts: 12661
Loc: Phoenix, AZ
Here is the midi update utility from Roland:

And these are the vs840ex 2.05 update files:

#1465886 - 05/06/16 12:12 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Wish]
Wish Administrator Offline
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Registered: 09/09/00
Posts: 12661
Loc: Phoenix, AZ
You will need a midi connection from the PC to connect to the vs recorder.
#1465921 - 05/06/16 11:11 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Wish]
Skippy72 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 05/02/16
Posts: 10
I've tried by the ZIP method didn't work it didn't change to an EX. I will try by the MIDI port maybe there's a small detail I'm missing in my procedure???I've tried by the MIDI port method and it does nothing but stays the same version no EX.

Edited by Skippy72 (05/07/16 02:58 AM)
Edit Reason: added more details of procedure

#1466215 - 05/08/16 02:49 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Wish]
Skippy72 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 05/02/16
Posts: 10
I wonder if it's the windows version that would make the difference?
#1466623 - 05/11/16 12:53 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: nitromethane]
Skippy72 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 05/02/16
Posts: 10
Wouldn't you happen to have a copy of that file? The one on their site wouldn't work. I've tried the ZIP method and the MIDI method.
Thank you

#1502662 - 11/11/16 09:33 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
Bryon Offline
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Registered: 11/11/16
Posts: 3
tried a 8g SanDisk card, hooked everything up and it stuck on the initializing screen. Is the problem with the card or something else? Please help!!!!
#1502663 - 11/11/16 09:52 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Bryon]
Wish Administrator Offline
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Registered: 09/09/00
Posts: 12661
Loc: Phoenix, AZ
I think I remember that there is size limitation on the card size for the's either 1 G or 2 G, if I remember correctly, but it's been many years since I had mine.

I think your card is too big, and you need something smaller.

#1502664 - 11/11/16 09:54 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Wish]
Wish Administrator Offline
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Registered: 09/09/00
Posts: 12661
Loc: Phoenix, AZ
I just read the first post in this thread that has a lot of info.

Looks like you need a 1G card (512M will work too).

#1502728 - 11/12/16 06:49 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Wish]
Bryon Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 11/11/16
Posts: 3
Thanks man. I read that first post too. Guess I got a little ahead of myself. I'm gonna try a 1g. Hopefully it does the job. Thanks again.
#1502843 - 11/12/16 06:49 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Bryon]
Wish Administrator Offline
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Registered: 09/09/00
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Loc: Phoenix, AZ
You are welcome.

Let us know how it works out!

Good luck.

#1504598 - 11/22/16 04:03 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Wish]
Bryon Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 11/11/16
Posts: 3
The 1g card worked but every time I turn the unit off I have to re-initialize. Is this a problem?
#1504608 - 11/22/16 05:19 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Bryon]
uptildawn Offline

Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
It has to do with the adapter you are using that causes this reinitialize issue. You might try doing a couple searches of this forum, the 880 forum and the 1680 forum to find some of the discussions that have been tossed around. I don't recall whether or not an absolution solution was found (as I was in on many of the conversations until I stopped searching for an answer and just decided to use the internal hd I already had and use the other mod as a n external scsi solution.).

I think that trying a number of different adapters currently available may not even help you find a workable one anymore, but I could be wrong..... your solution may be to try a number of similar, but different adapters...... if you can figure out how to tell what's 'different' and workable at the same time.

Even the external adapter isn't really cost effective anymore, since the key component - the ide/scsi bridge adapter - has become difficult to find at a good price.

Edited by uptildawn (11/22/16 06:28 PM)

#1616567 - 06/10/19 09:46 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
Clem Offline

Registered: 06/16/99
Posts: 1786
Loc: West Chester, PA USA
Hey guys,

I want to say thanks to the guys that did all the legwork here. I'm happy to report another successful conversion and I'll share some of the details in the hopes it might help someone else.

First, there was some confusion about what units people were working with, because some people were saying they had an EX but they really had an original 840 running EX firmware. So just to be clear, I made this modification on an original VS-840EX with the 250MB Zip drive. My firmware version was and still is v2.03.

I converted the recorder to accept CF cards (not SD cards) by using the Startech 35BAYCF2IDE adapter. I ordered a 40 pin female to female IDE ribbon cable. Both of these on Amazon. The adapter comes with a power cord that adapts the power cable in the VS to work with the IDE adapter, so I didn't have to buy that extra cable. The ribbon cable I ordered is 6" which BARELY is long enough. 7 or 8" would be perfect, but I think the next size was like 24" or something ridiculous. So the 6" works, but you don't have much slack to play with.

Mounting the adapter doesn't line up with any existing screws, but if you leave it in the bay adapter, you can wedge it in there with a strip of wood that's about 1/8" thick. I cut down a paint stir... it's the perfect thickness. Once the drive cage is screwed down, it's in there pretty snug. I don't think it will work loose, but if it does, I may just go in and apply a little adhesive to hold it in place. I did NOT need to put those 4 screws back in that held the drive in place (the ones with the insulating conductors). Also, pay attention to the bottom panel screws when you are taking the panel off... some screws are sheet metal screws and others are machine screws. I didn't realize that at first, thinking they were just big screws and little screws.

The card I used was a Kingston card labeled CF/1024 3.3V on the back. The front is yellow and white and says 1024MB.

Performance tests:
I inserted the card, made sure the adapter was set to Master. Then, after crossing my fingers and turning on the power, it asked me if I wanted to initialize. A minute later, it showed that I had 976MB and over 500 minutes of recording time. Sweet!

I created a song in MT1 mode and just did some simple track identification for about 30 seconds on tracks 1-4, 5/6 and 7/8. All 8 tracks played back as expected. I then set an auto punch-in and punch-out point about 10 seconds in. I recorded an overdub on all 8 tracks using these same punch points. The system never missed a beat. The old Zip would have died during the 3rd overdub, I'm sure.

Lastly, I wanted to make sure I could make backups (another hassle of the Zip disks). So I shutdown the unit, took the card to my CF card reader on my PC and used a program called HDDRawCopy from HDDGuru to make an image copy of that card and saved it to a file on the PC. I have no desire to do audio editing on my PC, but I do want to have data backups in case (or when) I do something stupid. I took the card back to the VS, erased the song. Then back to the PC to restore the image. Then back to the VS and verified the song was there again. So I'm feeling good about data backup and recovery.

A couple helpful notes... the card is not meant to be hot plugged into the adapter, so don't insert it or remove it unless the VS is powered down. My process is to do a shutdown/eject, the screen says the disk is ejected and you no longer have song data available (so I guess it thinks it really ejected the media). I then do the shutdown/eject again and it prompts me to power down. When starting back up, just make sure the card is already in place, then power up.

I am very happy with this outcome.

Tracking again,

#1616587 - 06/10/19 11:07 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Clem]
uptildawn Offline

Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
Wow! What a great rundown for everybody! Thanks so much for that.
I don't even have the 840 and could picture the whole thing in my mind from start to finish.

It's great that you've got this mod done and not only replaced the fatally flawed (at one point or another) zip drive, but are seeing some real positive benefits to changing it out for the CF card unit.

#1616593 - 06/11/19 12:02 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: uptildawn]
Wish Administrator Offline
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Registered: 09/09/00
Posts: 12661
Loc: Phoenix, AZ
Yo, Clem!

Good to see you back!

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