More than one VirDIS customer has asked about importing WAV files _back_ into the VS-2480. The latest release, v4.4.6981, can do this but due to a few reports of problems/confusion, we outline below the steps of the recent procedure we executed to reverify this feature.
The elements used were: VirDIS v4.4.6981, ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 and VS-2480 v2.504.
1. Opened ImgBurn v2.5.8.0.
2. Selected ‘Create image file from files/folders’.
3. In the ‘Source’ section clicked the white folder icon on the right side which brought up the default location, C:\Program Files (x86)\ImgBurn\Sounds.
4. Selected the small ‘Success.WAV’ file at that location.
5. Clicked on the ‘Build’ image at the bottom lower-left to build the ISO file.
6. Transferred this file (Success.ISO) to our VirDIS PC and placed it in the \ISO subfolder of VirDIS.
7. Opened VirDIS and dragged the CD-R icon to the jukebox, clicked the ‘Change CD-R type’ box and selected ISO.
8. Clicked the ‘Create/Select’ box next to the ‘Change CD-R type’ box to pick the ‘Success.ISO’ file, which then became visible in the box below. {NB: There IS a latent bug that _may_ 'disappear' the text in the ‘Create/Select’ box but it is still functional and clickable.}
9. Clicked the ‘LOAD virtual ‘disc’ button to start the emulation on SCSI ID:1.
10. Powered up the 2480 – it displayed the VirDIS emulation at startup on the chosen SCSI ID: I.1…..V
11. Went to CD-R Mastering on the 2480 and clicked ‘WAV IMPORT’.
12. It then accessed the VirDIS emulation and correctly showed ‘Success.WAV’, the WAV file embedded in the ‘Success.ISO’ file!
We welcome any user comments on this!
- VirDIS® author