#1658542 - 05/14/20 04:40 PM
Lining up tracks from VSWE
Howling Frog
Space Cadet
Registered: 12/26/03
Posts: 23
Loc: Chester VT
Maybe I'm missing something, but trying to re-learn the 2480, the newest version of Reaper and Windows 10 at the same time is a bit dizzying.
I have exported 7 tracks from a project I recorded at 88.2 kHz in the 2480 in VSWE as .wav files. When I put them into Reaper, some of the tracks don't line up time wise, not even close. I've been looking around for an answer in the Reaper instructions, YouTube tutorials, etc., and haven't come up with an answer on how to get these tracks to line up. Uptildawn indicated in the VSWE forum that if the DAW is set to 0, they should line up automatically. Anybody know how to do that easily in Reaper?
Howling Frog
Howling Frog
#1658546 - 05/14/20 04:55 PM
Re: Lining up tracks from VSWE
[Re: Howling Frog]
Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
Is it possible that you've used something other than the defaults in VSWE - such as defining specific export start and stop times? Also, do not use the "packed" option (button).
It's also necessary that the wav files you export from the 2480 project all are referenced to zero timeline as well - not just as imported into the daw (Reaper in this case), if you exported them to disc from within the 2480.
If the tracks you say you exported were actually extracted with VSWE from a 2480 backup disc, or hard drive, then they should all be referenced to zero (padded starting from zero timeline) by VSWE by default.
If all the exporting/extracting is in order and they still don't line up in Reaper, then you might try comparing where each track starts sounding on the timeline and compare it to its placement in the 2480 project - the tracks should start sounding in the same timeline place. If any tracks do not individually sound in their proper timeline place, compared to the same tracks in the 2480 project, then I have to wonder if there could be an issue with VSWE's ability to extract 88.2k wav files...
Edited by uptildawn (05/14/20 04:56 PM)
#1658574 - 05/14/20 06:26 PM
Re: Lining up tracks from VSWE
[Re: uptildawn]
Howling Frog
Space Cadet
Registered: 12/26/03
Posts: 23
Loc: Chester VT
So, thank you uptildawn. It was my basic mis-understanding of how VSWE needs to be set. Setting the start time to 0.00.00 in VSWE did the trick, it never occurred to me that beginning at the "first event" was causing the issue. There are a couple of tracks that I had bounced down through the Roland Vocal Strip plug-in that started at different time points in the project, as there are multiple takes of some tunes, and only the tunes that made the cut had the modified vocal tracks on them. So of course, those tracks weren't going to line up with the starting time of the other ones unless I set VSWE to start at Zero. And setting the finish time to after "last event" seems to have done the trick.
Additionally, I went into the VIRDIS HDD copy that I was importing into VSWE before I started to make sure that as you suggested, that they were referenced to zero timeline, and they already were. The other issue may have been in the Settings Menu. for some reason "Pack into multiple files" was checked, I unchecked it.
Correct me if my memory is in error, I seem to recall that in XP, the VSWE Utility actually read the tracks directly from the 2480. Of course I haven't used the XP version of either VIRDIS or VSWE for over 6 years. In Windows 10, this is apparently not the case. According to Bill Casey, VSWE will only read the VIRDIS HDD files to be able to extract them, as VSWE states that there is "No Roland Recorder Found" in the top window line.
So thanks for the speedy reply, the sanguine and knowledgeable help, very much appreciated, as I was chasing my tail, not knowing that the solution was right in front of me.
All the best,
Howling Frog
Howling Frog
#1658617 - 05/14/20 09:39 PM
Re: Lining up tracks from VSWE
[Re: Howling Frog]
Registered: 12/15/01
Posts: 9118
Loc: on land
Yeah - nope, the VSWE never could read directly from the VS recorder to my knowledge - part of that would be due to problems surrounding the scsi ports. VirDIS works differently than the typical pc scsi card, so that's why it can connect directly to the VS recorder.
I think when you first open a file in VSWE, the default start/stop times are already set the way you'd want them. You should not have to fiddle with them at all - as is the "pack" button.
I'm glad to hear you worked it out - frustrating until then, no doubt.