I have several VS-840 recorders and they are of varying degrees of health. I bought the latest ones as instructional projects/ how to disassemble and diagnose/repair them. One of them failed the internal diagnostic for the faders. I researched the faders and found I could no longer order them. I discovered a way to disassemble, clean and rebuild the faders. I also found parts donor sliders on Ebay. I bought the donor pots and disassembled, removed the sliding portion and installed it into the 840's cleaned sliding pot case. The pots all work and pass the diagnostic test. I also replaced a dodgy tactile switch that now works. I found the sliders for $1.50 ea because the entire pot was not available. The tactile switches are less than $1 ea. I am now trying to locate the cue pots part number...I will post all the parts information plus links to informative websites about how to rebuild pots.