The best I can figure, there's no way to customize what shows or hot key switch to different views. The closest possible thing will be to use summing folder tracks--stick all the drums in one....all the "band" instruments in another....then, I believe I can click on the folder and just see the "realted"
I see you can filter by "type"....that's useless. I don't want a view of all my audio tracks. Why would I want the view of only instrument tracks? I mean--Cubase gives you that, too--but, in a large project made up of instrument tracks, midi tracks, audio, aux busses, and group busses....I'm so used to being able to organize then logically (punny)....and recall 8 of those "views" directly on the MCU....well, if I can't do that, the MCU is of no use to me. Neither it's full 16+1 fader nor the current 8+1 (extender has gotten squirrelly and needs repair) are useful without being able to carve up the mixer and directly switch to those bank/views.
Help a brother out. Do you really scroll left and right around 60 mixer channels? Certainly I'm missing something. I've been reading the manual...did a few web searches--all I got was use the environment to customize the mixer (which seems to be a static customization)....and people bitching about reordering them--which doesn't bother me, since it maps to the arrange window, right? just establish the order there....right?
How do you deal with large productions?