Wow, three and a half years, and "canefire" never got a reply!
Anyway, if anyone stumbles upon this thread, I have been discussing Sonar LE a bit, in the "watering hole" forum, as I recently installed it on Windows 7, and by using the "ASIO4ALL" software, for the most part everything seems stable.
A "windows desktop focus" issue has surfaced however, almost if not immediately after installing those 2 pieces of software.
I can not yet for complete certainty attribute the focus issue to the software installation, but I have not installed anything else recently.
And, today, after a laptop reboot, but before running Sonar LE, and having "ASIO4ALL" "kick in", there has been no focus issue.
In any case, CakeWalk for BandCamp is now a free software download, but does not contain the vast array of VST plugins that are provided by Sonar.
And, I do not know, and may never know, the difference between Sonar, Sonar LE, and Sonar Platinum.