I can't get Reaper to recognize a new Waves plug in I just bought. It's their BB Tubes plug in.
I've paid. Downloaded,Installed and activated and licenses and all that stuff.
I have re started Reaper. I have manually re scanned the VST plug in tab in reapers preferences.
I have downloaded the latest version of Reaper and repeated as above.
I have followed the 'support' pages from Waves on how to get reaper to see this plug in. (Why is this so super complex??)
In reaper all my current plug ins are in a folder I set up called Reaper Media>plu ins. They all work just fine.
On downloading the waves plug in it sent it to
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
I dont want to re can reapers plug in path to this file location because all the other plug ins are not in there and I'm halfway through a project and dont need it all going pear shaped because of this.
So I copy pasted the Waves BBtubes file from C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 to My folder Reaper media>plugins where all the other plug ins are seen by reaper.
But Reaper doesnt see the new waves plug in still.
Three hours of my life , $30, hair loss and I still dont have a working plug in. Ive contacted wavs support but life is short.
Any thoughts? What did I miss?
Cheers if anyone can help