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#1855238 - 07/07/23 04:37 AM USB to MAC: Active partion matters
Furry Offline

Registered: 06/20/23
Posts: 117
When I hook up to my iMAC from my VS2000CD in USB storage mode I see 4 icons representing each partition in my VS2000CD. Cool, but not so cool. So which one is portion "0", "1", "2", and "3"? Now dig this: I have found that the order changes depending on which partition your currently loaded project resides. there is more to this problem than one might suspect. It's late and I am not prepared to ramble on this just yet. I DO HAVE MY NOTES and will share all my self perceived genius after I've had some sleep.
Oh, there's more problems within each partitions icon. Double clicking exposes the files in each. Does it reflect the names you've given the projects? NOPE. Here resides deep shit for those of the total anal types. i.e. me. Titles like SONG0002.VS2 is what you'll find. More on that later. YOU'LL NEED TO KNOW. I have my ways to help. More tomorrow.

#1855240 - 07/07/23 04:55 AM Re: USB to MAC: Active partion matters [Re: Furry]
Furry Offline

Registered: 06/20/23
Posts: 117
Sorry guys. I meant to create this topic in the VS2000CD section. I'm over whelmed with all that's available on here. Was a 1680 FREAK back in the day. Did my own album on one. It changed my life. Been 20 years and the VS line is toast, but I have decided to say "to heck with it" and go for it. Bought a couple of VS2000CDs and have created ONE really good machine between the two. I know, I know. Old technology. Don't waste your time. NOPE. I'm going for it and already loving it. Think I will copy and paste my original post here on a new topic in the VS2000CD section. Bye to all. -Furry-
#1855251 - 07/07/23 09:25 AM Re: USB to MAC: Active partion matters [Re: Furry]
JohnM Offline

Registered: 07/28/08
Posts: 4707
Loc: Massachusetts, USA
I saw that you posted that you used the VS-1680 "way back" to record an album, and it
changed your life. I hope that you elaborate (here) a bit, as I acquired a VS-880EX
and VS-CDR around Christmas time in 1998, and it also somewhat "changed my life".

I've never seen anything but the VS-880, VS-880EX, VS-1680, and VS-1880 in real life.

I just visited a web page to see what the VS-2000CD looks like, and it looks "cool".


#1855280 - 07/07/23 07:07 PM Re: USB to MAC: Active partion matters [Re: JohnM]
Furry Offline

Registered: 06/20/23
Posts: 117
Very cool to find your post here this morning. YES, it IS very cool. It's also very obsolete. IMHO the coolness outlays the obsoleteness. I figure chasing old technology that has been discontinued and there is no support (except right here on the planet) is a fools journey. Add one more fool to that list. ME. It's a fabulous machine and YES it has stabling blocks on interacting with todays software based computer recording stations. This is the way I see it: Get PRO TOOLS. That is the standard these days. Now also get yourself a good 2nd loan on your house for all the outboard gear you will need to duplicate what this machine can do. At least that's my perspective. Back in the 70's I had my own 16 track/quad studio in my house with control room and studio. 3M79 machine. I loved it. It broke me in the end. Selling all my chit at half price just broke my heart, but it was a dream come true in so many ways. I don't regret it, but know this: HAVING A FULL BLOWN STUDIO IS A MONEY PIT. It's always been that way and I think it still is that way, so don't go there. If you do ... do it with your eyes open. Now back to this machine.
It is so powerful you will never grasp just how powerful it is until you've dug in and created chit with it. There's no support. If you've had some experience with the VS machines then you've got a good chance of just learning by doodling. Add a lot of "toilet reading from the manual" and you've got it. The manual is HUGE, so don't be put off by that. Just treat it gently in everyday. If you get one make sure it has the VS8F-3 expansion card AND the video card so you can use a VGA monitor. This part didn't excite me initially. I just figured I would hook up the monitor and MAYBE over time notice a few things that would help me. I was fine with LCD screens (weak old technology that deteriorates in time), but after a very short time my mind was changed forever about the VGA screen. IT'S A MAJOR UPGRADE. You'll never look back once you get used to it. Oh, the video technology is a bit weak on the resolution so don't be expecting to impress your friends with it. Looks a bit like the old video games, but it would be a mistake to bail on it due to this. IT'S FANTASTIC. I LOVE THE VGA. Can I be more emphatic about this? NO. The bummer is that there are not a lot of them out there with the full set up I have just described. There are some, but I have found the reliability of sellers of these is questionable. By that I only mean retailers couldn't possibly have gone through all the bells and whistles these units have to find if there are any glitches. Even straight from owners is a crap shoot. You will only know after you've received it in the mail and familiarized yourself with it by learning various routines of the recording process. Then, and only then will find that you have a bad SWITCH that doesn't work anymore. Commonly, I have found that FADERS are the most consistent failing thing and you will find that that is no easy fix. Add availability of parts and now you have complete bad news part of the equation. Roland: Use to be my favorite company. They were fantastic. NO MORE. Can't even get a call back these days, and they certainly will not provide any advice on the entire VS line of machines. Stone wall. So that's what you'd be getting into. So why do I still swear by them? I just love how it's ALL right there in one unit. You can make some REAL music and the quality will stand the test of time. Stuff imported from earlier models like yours will still sound amazingly good quality. You will find it hard to believe that your old unit was not a piece of doo doo, after all. It was a great machine. I'm rambling cause I love the entire VS line and am so pissed they bailed on them. Did I confuse you with all this? Probably. Better to know the good and the bad going in. It's not a slam dunk, but if you like your machine ... this one will blow you away. Frustrate you? You bet, but it's doable. -Furry-

#1855282 - 07/07/23 07:15 PM Re: USB to MAC: Active partion matters [Re: Furry]
Furry Offline

Registered: 06/20/23
Posts: 117
P.S. Don't think I wasn't tempted by the motorized faders on the 2400, 2480, etc. I WAS TEMPTED. Too cool. From what I've read though, if those faders go bad (and they do) you're screwed. Kind of think the motorized faders may, in fact be weak link in the longevity of these unit. Thus is why I chose the VS2000CD ... and because (as best as I can tell) ... THESE were the very last units Roland made of the VS line. That in itself has merit in going the VS2000CD route. Note that the very last system available for it is version 2.005. If you dig deep you can still find it. Start with me. I can help. Better yet ask that question to the seller if you're really considering buying one. A side note: When you start the machine up it will show you in a quick flash screen what system you are running, but only 2 digits past the period in the system number. i.e. v2.00. Here's the cool thing to remember: Upon start up hold down the Harmony button and the #1 Track/Status button and then start it up. The screen will show you ALL DIGITS, meaning v2.005 or v2.002 or v 2.003 etc. You want 2.005. Would not be a deal killer, but that's your ultimate objective. Hope this helps. Hope I described the procedures correctly.

#1855325 - 07/08/23 02:14 AM Re: USB to MAC: Active partion matters [Re: Furry]
YYZ Offline

Registered: 03/28/04
Posts: 1517
What's neat about these old obsolete machines is that they have their own sound. Twenty years from now people will want these again for the same reason as my Ensoniq ASR10. Not one plugin can give you the grit the ASR10 convertors can give you digitally.
Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies, but most of us just dream about the things we'd like to be.
Sadder still to watch it die than never to have known it.
for you, The blind who once could see, The bell tolls for thee

#1855326 - 07/08/23 02:16 AM Re: USB to MAC: Active partion matters [Re: YYZ]
Furry Offline

Registered: 06/20/23
Posts: 117
ahh, me thinks Zs pee pee is hard for these machines. Me, too. -Furry-
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