Best thing to do is post some pics here or you can p.m. me. We can look at the cards and they will tell you which they are. If not you can always load a project and push the effects button and it will give you a list of which cards are installed. Also if you have vs8f-3 effects installed, you will want to backup to cd in case you sell them and they are locked to the card forever so they will have to be sold with the card they are locked to. As far as the song projects you have, best way I found was to take the drive out of the 2480, plug it into any ide cable on the back, or inside of a PC and download the vs ripper bear(I think) made. You can then rip them right into a folder on your desktop and have them permanently on the PC as wav files. Please let me know if you need any help and if you sell the 3 cards separate, let me know. Been looking for 2 vs8f-3 cards forever.
Edited by fngrstck1 (12/31/23 08:10 PM) Edit Reason: Sense