Hi folks! Had a funny thing happen in the studio today. Everything that was plugged into my uninterrupted power supply crashed... I heard a beep, the 1680 screen when blank and then came up with a confirming IDE thing that happens when I select a hard drive. My computer did the same thing, although I didn't have a program loaded at the time.
1680 seemed a little buggy when I started it up and I had a little trouble until I rebooted it again.
After about a while messing around it seems like it's back to its old self. But it definitely went through a hard shutdown, which suggest to me that my uninterrupted power supply is not really working very well. I'm probably going to replace that.
I'm still looking to see if I'm having issues with a 1680. I had one of the tracks soloed and I couldn't hear anything else and for a while was mildly freaky, but that was me ... All the tracks are backed up too VIRDIS on the computer and into reaper as wav files so it wasn't too freaky.
Anybody suffer a hard shutdown like that with the 1680? Any long-term or other artifacts because of it?
Using my original VS 1680 27 years now and counting!