Using software v 2.005 and a VGA: I'm doing tests to figure out automix. It appears that upon rewind everything goes into record playback just like AUTO vs SOURCE switching in audio recording. Dis is good. Don't have to reset every darn channel back to playback like the manual says to hear it, albeit much safer to do just that when you're ready.
Problems encountered: 1) The virtual faders weren't resetting to beginning settings when rolled back to ZERO with the ZERO button. After pressing PLAY it would take a few seconds on the clock. Should've been immediate, me thinks. Mutes work good (in and out) automated. Finally verified that updating individual parameters after already having automated fader and pan levels, indeed works. Just have to deselect them in the Writing Parameters area of the Automix Setup screen leaving the desired tracks set to record/ready. Had to prove it as I never found this definitively addressed in the manual, but it's a huge manual. Thought I found a glitch in the pan parameter but have a workaround. Here's the glitch scenario: When I did my first pass of Automix pass (for about 30 seconds) it was with ONLY Writing Parameters Level and Pan/Bal selected using tracks 1 and 4. I had left the pans at "C" and then turned #1 slowly hard left to L63 after about 5 seconds, then at about 10 seconds panned #4 right to R40 to verify the automation. Didn't mention that I made some fader moves in that time period, as well. Upon rolling back to ZERO I expected it to see Pans 1 and 4 at"C" and faders at my starting settings immediately, or at least once I pressed PLAY. It did not. Virtual faders weren't correct and iIt left the pans at L63 and R40 for almost 5 seconds on the ORANGE clock at the top. Then they jerked backed to "C" and did the slow pans to L63 and R40. Not good. It appeared to stay where it was at the last point in the first Automix pass ... changing only when NEW pan parameters were encountered. THE FIX: Taking a screen shot at the VERY beginning with ALL Parameters in their beginning settings, including pans at "C". Any thoughts or corrections, please feel free to respond. -Furry-