I figured I could automix all individual track channels to my desires ... and then automate the MASTER FADER at the end to offset any clipping that may have occurred that I didn't anticipate. A good plan, me thought. Had a problem, though. When automating the MASTER FADER after all else is finished my approach was to use the Time/Value knob to tweak the Master fader level on the part that was too hot ... roll back to the beginning and punch up AUTOMIX for the MASTER FADER. Tried it. It didn't like me on that one. Even though I had reduced the level ... it would force it back to zero when I punched up Automix record. I'll need this to work for the "too hot" section AND for automating a fade, if necessary. As I write this it sounds like I might need to include the MASTER FADER in a Screen shot at the very beginning. Hmmmm. Will try that before posting this. Tried it. It still jumps to O.Odb on the MST fader. DRAT! Respond, oh Kahuna's of the 2kCD. -Furry-