Hey, if we're griping about Nashville government overreach...can I log a complaint about Ms Pop's registration doubling in cost because it's a hybrid? I fully understand the reasoning that
a)we fund all street maintenance from gas tax, which she pays less of...so there's a shortfall
b)this is a way to make up the difference by very tangibly raising taxes on the people "causing" that shortfall.
...but, it's bad governance, IMO, because panned back view, we want to ENCOURAGE use of less gasoline. Not encourage MORE use of gasoline. We should be planning how we maintain roadways without X fixed amount of gas tax. Or...continue to RAISE the gas tax to make up the shortfall--which again, encourages adoption of EVs and hybrids...but, doesn't address the long term issue. If you want to shift it to car title/registration, doubling an EV registration isn't how you do that--you should be increasing everyone's by a few dollars, so that no one ever gets what we got: a bill due end of the month for twice what it was last year. Taxing 10% of drivers double isn't doing anything EXCEPT setting it up to eventually BE double on everyone. Only--at a slower rate because they'll avoid it as long as they can.