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#482752 - 03/18/04 02:24 AM Ext. Sequencer Sync Problem - Timing
Mutley58 Offline

Registered: 03/15/03
Posts: 197
Loc: Conestoga, PA, USA
Working on a project where I want to record audio tracks on my 2480CD & have them sync with a midi sequence using Cakewalk Pro 9 (Cakewalk used only as a midi sequencer - no audio data recorded on it). The PC is a newer Dell. The 2480 is the master.

Although I can get the sequencer to both run & chase when the 2480 starts, they are noticibly out of sync with one another. If the master sends MTC as sync, the sequencer lags behind. When the master sends midi clocks, the sequencer seems to lead. According to the both manuals, all parameters on each unit seem to be correct.

I'd prefer to keep the 2480 as the master. How can I get the sequencer to lock tight?

Thanks in advance.

"A bonafide rock-guitar playing relic."

#482753 - 03/18/04 04:54 AM Re: Ext. Sequencer Sync Problem - Timing
Popmann Offline
Loquacious Planeteer

Registered: 05/23/02
Posts: 34048
Loc: Twangville, TN
*best* Buy a Mac.

*inevitable second choice* Use the MIDI IO of a professional soundcard rather than any kind of USB MIDI IO.

*possibility* - Track down an old serial or parallel interface for the PC. Avoid USB at all costs. If you can get one that does SMPTE, maybe the 2480's SMPTE port will offer tighter lock than MIDI.

On the PC, my experience has been that the now discontinued Logic syncs tightest (and has the tightest MIDI timing otherwise).

#482754 - 03/18/04 09:10 AM Re: Ext. Sequencer Sync Problem - Timing
yoda Offline

Registered: 03/18/03
Posts: 1217
Loc: Santa Barbara, CA
I run the 2480 as the master when I have a sequencer project. I use Cakewalk's Sonar.

With mine, there is a lag time for the sequencer to lock up.

I solved the problem by adjusting the start time. I have the sequencer set to start at 5 seconds. This gives the sequencer a few seconds to lock up and wait to recieve 00h:00m:05sec:00frm from the 2480 to start playing the sequence.

Hope this helps. \:D
Producer Yoda - Point Conception Studio

#482755 - 03/18/04 10:30 AM Re: Ext. Sequencer Sync Problem - Timing
althemusicwizard Offline

Registered: 01/22/02
Posts: 845
Loc: Manchester, U.K.
Do you have the up to date drivers for the OS you're running?

I use a mididman Midisport, which has serial and USB connectors.

The PC should be able to handle midi data no problem (even an acient 386 should manage it) even over USB.

I'd check that your version of Cakewalk first supports MTC.
If it does, is the 'timing' difference a starting 'lag' ie. does it differ by the same amount each time you start?
As stated above try setting an offset on the VS2480 to make the VS2480 kick out its midi clock / MTC later.

Alternatively buy Sonar 3.

It will give you excellent compatibility with the 2480 and also give you an upgrade route to including audio integration with the use of RPC-1 cards.

#482756 - 03/18/04 04:26 PM Re: Ext. Sequencer Sync Problem - Timing
T_Swindle Offline

Registered: 03/26/02
Posts: 197
Loc: Huntsville, AL
I do a similar thing with my rig. 2480 Master, Cubase Slaved via MTC. I do midi tracks in Cubase SX, and then sync Cubase to the 2480, adding vocals there. Works fine, but I did notice a couple things early on when I initially was configuring it.

Similarly to Pop's comment, there was a big difference when I sync'd the PC via a USB midi interface. I have a Midisport 1x1 ($60), and a Dakota card ($500) with 2 midi ports, and there is literally a night and day difference between the two. The Dakota is solid, and the Midisport...well...not so much. ;\) I have had literally zero problems with the Dakota, and I use it 40-60 hrs in a typical week doing various recording/midi chores.

Another (not necessarily related) thing I noticed is that with each release of SX (now running version 2), the system seems to be more "dependable" for lack of a better word. I can run the 2480 Master/Cubase Slave hookup now, starting, stopping, jumping from locator to locator, and it still locks tightly. Not so much on previous releases. You might (as already was suggested), get in touch with your software folks to be sure you have the latest driver updates.

Another good suggestion above was to adjust the sequencer's start time. I always set my start time at about 3 bars from Zero in Cubase, which gives plenty of time for locking up with the 2480 when it gets time to add vocals.

Good luck,
Tommy Swindle
TreeHouse Studio
Huntsville, AL

#482757 - 03/18/04 06:20 PM Re: Ext. Sequencer Sync Problem - Timing
brookster Offline

Registered: 07/07/02
Posts: 697
Loc: London UK
What frame rate are you using. I had a drift problem before, the guys at roland told me to use 25fps instead of 30 (which is the VS' default), I've never had a problem since, runs as tight as a duck's Axxx. Set the frame rate in the UTILITIES/SYNC PARAMETER page of the VS and make sure you're transmitting MTC out of the MIDI out. Remember to set your PC to recieve the external MTC and it should lock onto the altered frame rate automatically on playback. The pick up lag is not as easy to solve - apart from offsetting the beginning of your project by 1 or 2 beats.

Hope that helps

#482758 - 03/19/04 12:24 AM Re: Ext. Sequencer Sync Problem - Timing
Mutley58 Offline

Registered: 03/15/03
Posts: 197
Loc: Conestoga, PA, USA
Thanks to all for your advice. Confirms by suspicions that there's no substitute for having the right tools to do the job. Time to get that soundcard and new software I've been putting off.

Just for the record, the sequencer never was able to lock to the track no matter how long it ran.


"A bonafide rock-guitar playing relic."

#482759 - 03/19/04 12:43 AM Re: Ext. Sequencer Sync Problem - Timing
Billion$Soundguy Offline

Registered: 01/16/04
Posts: 54
Loc: Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
I still use an Atari 1024ST with an old program called Edit Track. Locks up no problem all the time. You can pick them up very cheap. I have a couple extras for the day when it dies. It's been my sequencer for 14 years now. It does everything I need it to do. For the younger people out there, the Atari has a MIDI in and out built into it. No muss, no fuss.
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