I just got my new Q-mix headphone amp today. I bought it because the last time I tried to do a full band live (studio) recording I wasted too much time with everyone's headphones. I bought the OZ Audio Q-mix because I like the idea that each band member could have their own headphone mix. My question is, what's the best way to run four seperate headphone mixes from the 2480 and Q-mix? From what I understand about the Q-mix is that you can plug 2 main headphone inputs into the unit (which would be coming from the 2 headphone outs on the 2480?). Then you can plug 4 "inject inputs" into the unit to help give everyonr their own mix. What's the best way to get the "inject inputs" I need from the 2480 to make this thing work the way it's supposed to?