#646799 - 01/30/07 06:35 AM
Open letter to Dale.
Registered: 06/25/03
Posts: 23691
Loc: Rural Kansas. Sometimes in Oz.
I respectfully submit the following:
I know that I can be a goof. I know that I can be light hearted, and to make things worse, I can be light hearter at unexpected times.
I also know that my views do not follow the majority. And I know that when these things all mix, being a somewhat lone voice in a sea of grey, that I might not be fully considered.
I also know that you are a serious man. You can't make any sense of my doings. If I were all ass clown, or all serious, or if I would at least mark when I was to change, you could live with that.
But no. I mix at the stranest times.
Sorry. Just a quirk.
But let me assure you of this.
If someone is in need. If someone has a serious problem. I will be sincere.
#646800 - 01/30/07 07:18 AM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Dale Emery
Planeteer/Artist # 216
Registered: 07/11/02
Posts: 5964
Loc: Sacramento CA
Originally posted by paulb: I also know that you are a serious man. Well, I'm also pretty darned funny.
You can't make any sense of my doings. If I were all ass clown, or all serious, or if I would at least mark when I was to change, you could live with that. I can also live with it if you continue as you have been. I was under the impression that you weren't happy with how people treat you. If you're okay with that, I'm okay with it, and I'll leave you to it.
Thank you for letting me know what to expect of you.
#646802 - 01/30/07 05:51 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Carl M
Registered: 05/04/04
Posts: 3365
Loc: San Antonio, Tx
I truly consider you one of the most honest and fair minded individuals here at the planet. I rarely agree with your politics, but I highly respect your opinions and posts as they are well thought out and for the most part, right on the money. What I can't figure out is why those on the left feel that they continually need to berate our president. Nothing, so far, has changed because of this ranting and he will be gone forever in a couple of years. Shortly, the focus will be on who will be the next president.
It's never ending and in reality, I doubt that we will change much here at the Planet. In reality, very few of us can do anything to affect the outcome in the political arena. We only get a say, one time every 4 years or so.
I dunno, I understand Paul. I see where he is coming from. At times he's serious, but mostly I see tongue in cheek, but so many get fired up and attack him. Aren't we all more than about politics? It truly pains me to see the hatred coming from both sides, aimed at those that can do so little, with the intent of hurting that individual. I'm quite sure that we wouldn't act this way in public. Why is this?
Doc .......... Kitty heaven is Mousey hell !!!!!!!!!!
#646803 - 01/30/07 07:46 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Registered: 06/25/03
Posts: 23691
Loc: Rural Kansas. Sometimes in Oz.
I only stay mad for about a minute.
#646804 - 01/30/07 08:15 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Registered: 06/25/03
Posts: 23691
Loc: Rural Kansas. Sometimes in Oz.
Dale, I'm thinking of going with the green machine also. It is supposed to make your car carbon neutral.
#646805 - 01/30/07 08:32 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Registered: 09/17/02
Posts: 3849
First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Carl M. It gives Americans the right to publically criticize their elected officials.
And what is getting you so upset? The GOP and the rabid right-wing went after the Clintons like rabid foaming dogs, like nothing I had ever seen in American politics before. Even today the lie the Al Gore said he invented the Internet (which he never said) is still bandied about by the ignorant right.
The right wants to be able to smear and lie, but they whine like babies if the same tactic is thrown back at them.
And you, what does it say about you that you whine more and are upset more at words aimed at your doofus president, than you are about Dubya lying to get the USA into a stupid, fruitless and unnecessary war that American kids and innocent Iraqi civilians are dying in. You care more about a few words aimed at a politician than the death that lying scum has rained upon the world. I guess none of your kids are in the line of fire, so what do you care?
#646806 - 01/30/07 08:48 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Registered: 06/25/03
Posts: 23691
Loc: Rural Kansas. Sometimes in Oz.
rabid foaming dogs smear and lie ignorant right whine doofus stupid lying scum
you left out psychosexual misogynist.
#646807 - 01/30/07 08:55 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Tao Jones
Registered: 06/13/00
Posts: 15619
Loc: CA
"why those on the left feel that they continually need to berate our president."
Because he is a political and military failure on many levels and we live in a country where the people are supposed to hold the ultimate power over who rules. We decide what we like and don't like by speaking our minds, and the fact that we are allowed to do so is the best thing we have going for us.
More than just a failure, his crew is dangerously deceiving and does not work for our country's best interests. There should be more not less talk of these things.
Terrible president.
But do notice that the criticism is typically political and not about his private life or any of their private lives- it's political stuff, as it should be. Americans are SUPPOSED to have developed opinions of the politics and we are SUPPOSED to express them.
What I see from the right for many years is a tendency to bring up anything at all that might give them an edge, private matters, massive amounts of things that are not even true but spread fast and stick well (Rove and his crew are actually proud of this talent-as are many of you right wingers right here).
Take for example yesterday's big lie that Hillary's camp is getting ready to accuse Barack of hiding the fact that he went to a Muslim school at 6 years of age. Neither part of this is true. Hillary's camp wasn't getting ready to say any such thing, and Barack actually didn't go to that school, but what a masterful little smear job on both of them, and Fox news picked the story up and then other news organizations were reporting on whether or not it all was true, and so this double lie just spread across the planet like wildfire.
And as Twain said," A lie can travel around the world twice before the truth has even got its shoes on."
Anyway, the right sees itself, I guess, in some righteous cause that is so righteous that it excuses any method they use to advance it, so they use a lot of lies and deception.
At least I think that is how the lower levels see it. The upper levels I don't think believe the nonsense, they just stay rich off it.
And it is so pervasive that my digust grows to where I have a hard time putting it aside for the right wingers here. I'm getting to where I just don't care for you because your politics seems so evil to me.
Bush is now under fire because so many scientists are claiming they have been pressured and censored by his administration to downplay global warming. You people will hear this story and you actually do know that this really does happen, but you will look for a way to downplay something despicable like that, just as you will look for any little fragment to say there is no global warming.
It's just a bad way to be, and you people seem stuck there in a permanent way.
It might be that I need to just stop talking with you, because it just ain't working.
#646808 - 01/30/07 08:56 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Registered: 09/17/02
Posts: 3849
Aw, poor paulb gets more upset about a few words than he does about American kids dying in Iraq.
Screwed priorities, dude.
#646809 - 01/30/07 09:31 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Artist # 39
Registered: 08/18/02
Posts: 17600
Loc: Rock Star Hell, NC (Charlotte ...
I've never understood why some people can't separate their friendships from their Political views. I can detest your Politic's, but like you alot as a friend.. I just don't get it sometimes. I like just about everyone on the Planet, regardless of if they voted fer ol dumbarse, or not!
#646810 - 01/30/07 09:56 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Tao Jones
Registered: 06/13/00
Posts: 15619
Loc: CA
Well, that's usually been how I look at it, but lately it's getting tougher for me to ignore the stuff supported by these people because it just seems like not just a political thing but a lack of morals that is disturbing.
Probably the thing I should do is stop with the politics.
#646811 - 01/31/07 02:55 AM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Registered: 06/25/03
Posts: 23691
Loc: Rural Kansas. Sometimes in Oz.
"Aw, poor paulb gets more upset about a few words than he does about American kids dying in Iraq."
"Screwed priorities, dude."
You're way off. These are grown heros. They risk their lives so that you can spout your hate.
The only reason that they can even do this is because they weren't murdered by their mothers.
How many heros do you suppose will never get to serve because of abortionist murdering whores?
#646813 - 01/31/07 03:03 AM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Registered: 04/24/00
Posts: 9692
Loc: CA
Terry, you are so right - very strange indeed.
#646814 - 01/31/07 07:20 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Carl M
Registered: 05/04/04
Posts: 3365
Loc: San Antonio, Tx
Originally posted by Tao Jones: Well, that's usually been how I look at it, but lately it's getting tougher for me to ignore the stuff supported by these people because it just seems like not just a political thing but a lack of morals that is disturbing. Think about what you said and think about our previous President. Where's your outrage? Ironic?
Doc .......... Kitty heaven is Mousey hell !!!!!!!!!!
#646815 - 01/31/07 09:18 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Tao Jones
Registered: 06/13/00
Posts: 15619
Loc: CA
"Think about what you said and think about our previous President. Where's your outrage? Ironic?"
If you're referring to his many affairs, I don't care about other people's affairs. The boss I have now does a very good job. Is he having an affair? I don't know? I doubt it, but he could be. He'd still be doing the same job he is now. What do I care about his sex life? That's a contract between him and his wife. I know my previous boss was real good at his job and I also know he had affairs. I just don't concern myself with other men's sex lives.
Men and women fuck people that they are not married to, many of them do anyway, and they always have and always will. So what?
I'm not doing that, and my wife's not either. That's as far as my interest goes in that.
I would wager a significant portion of politicians on both sides of the aisle are currently having affairs. Big deal. Grown-ups understand that affairs are part of the way of the world. Getting all uppity about other people's affairs is beyond childish.
Are you concerned that he lied to the court about having an affair? That's what everyone does with their affairs. They conceal them. Big deal. The court was after a nonissue to begin with. I just told you I'm not having affairs, but I could be lying as far as you know. You'll never know. You could be. I'll never care.
If you want to show Clinton to be amoral, you're gonna need to refer to political issues. I don't vote for people based on their sex lives. I'm actually a grown-up.
What is ironic is that a grown man like yourself would spend more than a minute's anguish over the affairs of another man. Hey, your mechanic may be having an affair. Yikes! Whatever shall we do?
#646816 - 01/31/07 09:55 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Carl M
Registered: 05/04/04
Posts: 3365
Loc: San Antonio, Tx
Wow! New standards for morality I guess. Maybe we need two definitions of the word moral. :rolleyes:
Doc .......... Kitty heaven is Mousey hell !!!!!!!!!!
#646817 - 01/31/07 10:22 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Tao Jones
Registered: 06/13/00
Posts: 15619
Loc: CA
So you actually are worried about all the men and women that mess around on their spouses? That's a lot to worry about, Dude.
Guaranteed that several members of VS Planet are having or have had affairs. Are you pretty concerned with that?
#646818 - 01/31/07 10:53 PM
Re: Open letter to Dale.
Tao Jones
Registered: 06/13/00
Posts: 15619
Loc: CA
By definition it is immoral to cheat on a spouse, but that's not a morality I concern myself with beyond my own conduct and that of my spouse.
I am concerned with amoral actions of my government officials which concern their jobs, because I pay them for those jobs and I vote them into those jobs and they are acountable to me about those actions which pretain to their jobs.