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#646911 - 01/30/07 08:12 PM Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Memphis Monroe Offline
Loquacious Planeteer

Registered: 05/12/02
Posts: 30349
Loc: Pensacola, FL
So, this is sort of a follow-up to a question that I posed a couple of weeks ago. I currently have my 1880 going digital out to my computer’s Audiophile sound card. I can get the tracks to play and the master out levels are reading on the M-Audio sound card window.

Now I need to use Sound Forge to burn my songs directly down to the computer and bypass my Que Drive. I’ve played around with Sound Forge, but I’m not completely sure what I’m doing with it; so, I figured that perhaps someone here with some experience in this could lend me some insight.

Any advice or assistance is appreciated in advance.



#646912 - 01/30/07 08:29 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
paulb Offline

Registered: 06/25/03
Posts: 23691
Loc: Rural Kansas. Sometimes in Oz.
Chris does your sound forge have CD architect with it?

That's how I do CD's. Sorce recorded through Audiophile card into sound forge, I keep a 'dry' copy of the song, I do what ever edits and store that in a project file. When I get ready to burn a CD I fly those songs into architect.

#646913 - 01/30/07 08:31 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
paulb Offline

Registered: 06/25/03
Posts: 23691
Loc: Rural Kansas. Sometimes in Oz.
The reason that I keep the unedited tracks is because sometimes as a project progresses I want to change some things to make the songs gel together better, so I can do this from the original and not chop chop and re-chop.
#646914 - 01/30/07 09:00 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Memphis Monroe Offline
Loquacious Planeteer

Registered: 05/12/02
Posts: 30349
Loc: Pensacola, FL
I’m not sure if it has CD Architect. I’ll have to check tonight, but I don’t remember seeing that. My version is 7.0 btw.



#646915 - 01/30/07 09:08 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
havlicek Offline

Registered: 05/26/02
Posts: 6738
Loc: East Hampton, NY
CD Architect has been once-again bundled with SoundForge as of V8. It was originally that way...but they split it off and were selling it separately for a while. SoundForge 8 is also worth looking at because they have implemented VST support as well. In any case...better to do a .wav export rather than sending your audio through your soundcard (realtime) and of course SoundForge will read and open .wav files.

"anyone who believes that what they think is so important they will post political messages in a no-politics forum, only highlights their assholiness"

-John Havlicek (from "How To Spot An Internet Idiot", © 2012)

#646916 - 01/30/07 09:46 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Memphis Monroe Offline
Loquacious Planeteer

Registered: 05/12/02
Posts: 30349
Loc: Pensacola, FL
John, how do I do a wave export?

#646917 - 01/30/07 09:56 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
WRC,Jr. Offline

Registered: 01/08/05
Posts: 5675
Loc: San Antonio

You should contact Sony about upgrading to SF 8.0. I upgraded from 5.0 and they gave me both SF 8.0 and CD architect for the price of CD architect alone. Call the tech support people. They are very helpful.
Bill C

My Albums

#646918 - 01/30/07 10:57 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Memphis Monroe Offline
Loquacious Planeteer

Registered: 05/12/02
Posts: 30349
Loc: Pensacola, FL
The problem is that I only have a copy of Sound Forge (hacked); so, I can't exactly call the tech support folks.. at least I don't think that I should. . .This was included as an extra by a guy that upgraded my PC.


#646919 - 01/30/07 11:03 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Doug C Offline
Planeteer/Artist # 78

Registered: 01/06/03
Posts: 10922
Loc: Clayton, California

You need a 2480 to do a wav export. 1880 won't do it.

Your best bet is to record the 2 track mix in Soundforge (choose the MAudio as the input in the Audio section in Soundforge and then click the record button). Save the resulting project as a wav file. Then, use the wav file(s) to burn a cd with whatever cd burning software you have on the computer.
Doug C

#646920 - 01/30/07 11:04 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Memphis Monroe Offline
Loquacious Planeteer

Registered: 05/12/02
Posts: 30349
Loc: Pensacola, FL
Thanks Doug C. You're my hero. ;\)

#646921 - 01/31/07 04:58 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Memphis Monroe Offline
Loquacious Planeteer

Registered: 05/12/02
Posts: 30349
Loc: Pensacola, FL
Alright, I figured out how to use Burn CD Track at Once, but now my problem is getting the track numbers to take on the CD. It's all coming out as one long stream of audio. I tried using the "drop markers" function as the audio was recording to SF, but it apparently didn't work like I thought it would.

If I place my CD markers on the mastered tracks in the VS will they transfer to SF?



#646922 - 01/31/07 05:23 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Doug C Offline
Planeteer/Artist # 78

Registered: 01/06/03
Posts: 10922
Loc: Clayton, California
No prob, man. I always record each song as a separate wav file and then assemble the cd with a different cd burning program, so I don't know how to burn a cd from Soundforge. I'll take a look tonight when I get home.
Doug C

#646923 - 01/31/07 08:15 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Memphis Monroe Offline
Loquacious Planeteer

Registered: 05/12/02
Posts: 30349
Loc: Pensacola, FL
My problem is that my Windows Media Player won't read th SF wave file because it says that I need some Codec software or something to that effect. It also suggests that I lower my browsers security setting in order to read the files. . . WTF? . . . Well, at least I'm getting somewhere.


#646924 - 01/31/07 08:21 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Doug C Offline
Planeteer/Artist # 78

Registered: 01/06/03
Posts: 10922
Loc: Clayton, California
What is the bit depth and sampling rate of the wav file that you created? Make sure that you have converted it to 16/44.1 before trying to burn it as an audio cd.
Doug C

#646925 - 01/31/07 08:36 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Memphis Monroe Offline
Loquacious Planeteer

Registered: 05/12/02
Posts: 30349
Loc: Pensacola, FL
Doug, maybe that's my issue.Is there a place in SF where I can convert the file?

#646926 - 01/31/07 08:51 PM Re: Using Sound Forge to Burn CDs from VS?
Doug C Offline
Planeteer/Artist # 78

Registered: 01/06/03
Posts: 10922
Loc: Clayton, California
Yeah, in one of the dropdown menus there is something called bit depth converter (or something like that). I always record at 44.1 sample rate so I never have to do a sample rate conversion. But there is something in SF that does that. Look around in the menus.

You can right click on the wav file and choose Properties. In one of the tabs in the Properties window, here should be some info on the bit depth and sample rate of the wav file.
Doug C

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