#646927 - 01/30/07 08:13 PM
How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Registered: 09/14/04
Posts: 5181
Loc: Portland, OR
I'm assuming all my software that I'm currently running on XP will work on Vista without a hitch. Right?
#646928 - 01/30/07 08:21 PM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Registered: 01/06/02
Posts: 2469
Loc: The edge of the Universe
Try it.
Then let us know...
#646929 - 01/30/07 08:28 PM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Registered: 09/14/04
Posts: 5181
Loc: Portland, OR
You try it first!
#646930 - 01/30/07 08:33 PM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
pete peterson
Artist # 181
Registered: 09/14/99
Posts: 1627
Loc: vancouver washington usa
I wish you well. None of the stuff I was using ever worked again after I loaded XT. I can't imagine the change to VISTA is going to be much better. I am still grumbeling. At least I am not going to try VISTA until I buy a new box this time, getting XT to work took way too long. PEte
#646931 - 01/30/07 09:53 PM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Registered: 01/06/02
Posts: 2469
Loc: The edge of the Universe
I used to run a computer club and it was always cool to be the first one on the block to have the latest and greatest, but I've been burnt often enough to learn to let others do the beta testing.
Vista is supposed to be pretty stable, but I don't trust MS. They usually release stuff on an unsuspecting public and then try to fix it afterwards. It also uses a lot of resources from what I've heard.
Unless you've bought a new computer that is pre-loaded with Vista, I would wait to see how it plays out.
#646932 - 01/30/07 10:43 PM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Loquacious Planeteer
Registered: 04/16/99
Posts: 32902
Loc: Sol III
stay away from Vista if you know what's good for you.
#646933 - 01/30/07 10:57 PM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Doug C
Planeteer/Artist # 78
Registered: 01/06/03
Posts: 10922
Loc: Clayton, California
Beware! I was at the official launch of the XP operating system. It was at a developer's conference. I talked with several Microsoft developers and testers and was assured that all my music gear would work just fine. It was a total lie.
Doug C
#646934 - 01/30/07 11:09 PM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Registered: 03/25/03
Posts: 418
Loc: Houston,TX
XP is quite useful for what I do. I'm due for a new machine next year. Hopefully, by then vista will be properly beta tested by the "keep up wih the Jones's" types who thrive on headaches.
#646935 - 01/30/07 11:15 PM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 930
Loc: New York, USA
By "software" if you mean something like a recording platform like Sonar , Samplitude ect.. The intital word was it wouldnt run some platforms, Sonar being one of them. There has been a patch installed since that supposedly fixed that problem but I havnt head of anything beyond that yet.
Actually, Im QUITE serious
#646936 - 01/30/07 11:15 PM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Larry Sheehan
Registered: 04/19/99
Posts: 2855
Loc: Georgetown, TX, USA
Check that your sound card manufacturer has VISTA capable drivers before you buy (assuming you're Hell bent to buy).
MOTU's are officially BETA. From what I understand M-Audio hasn't released yet. Those are the only ones I'm personally aware of.
As for me, I'll wait till I'm forced to move.
#646940 - 01/31/07 02:37 AM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Loquacious Planeteer
Registered: 05/23/02
Posts: 34050
Loc: Twangville, TN
I would assume NOTHING works in Vista.
Particularly multimedia. I'd do some web searches, my friend--big brother gone and stepped all over that OS.
#646941 - 01/31/07 02:52 AM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Registered: 03/30/02
Posts: 8673
Loc: Houston, TX
The Vista article in EQ was kind of enlightening. It touched on the fact that Vista now has "Real-Time Audio Priority" handling of Audio Drivers (something XP does NOT have, but can approximate with all of the "DAW Tweaks" we do to it). This means even with 95%CPU use, the Audio is still unaffected! This would likely allow lower I/O latency as well (yay Bob!!!)
Granted, this might have been necessitated by all of the DRM crap Vista has running in the background (like checking 30 times A SECOND for Pirated A/V Streams :rolleyes: ). If Audio did not have a "Realtime Priority" - then Vista would likely have major audio issues due to all of the junk Vista runs... This sounds like more of a requirement due to bloat than a "Pro-Audio Feature" to me - but if it benefits DAW's in the end - that is good.
I still won't touch Vista for Audio (DAW) until SP1 is released (with the major Kernel update to Vista). Too many unknowns at the moment.
XP works fine for me for now, and will be supported by MS thru 2011. Once Vista is PROVEN to SURPASS XP as a DAW Platform, then bring it on . We still have lots of headaches ahead until that happens. I don't plan on participating in those headaches :p
If DAW Apps start using DX10 (Direct-X 10), then that will obviously force DAW users to Vista, but NOTHING right now requires DX10 that I am aware of. This is more for Gamers...
As far as Vista's DRM - I hate it, but what choice did MS really have? Do you seriously think MS would gamble with the fact that Apple would NOT add this DRM into their next gen platform as well? Otherwise, if MS released Vista w/o all of the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray DRM, then Apple could add that into their next OS. Then Apple would corner the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray market and be the ONLY way to "Legally" view HD-DVD/Blu-Ray on a Computer! MS didn't have much of a choice(but I still hate DRM).
This is not simply something that could be added with an Update - this DRM needs to be built into the Kernel. Say MS releases a version of Vista w/o the DRM, and guess what? You could use that platform to pirate DRM'ed content - so that concept doesn't work either. MS's hands are tied IMO.
The beloved Apple WILL follow suit on DRM, too...
What can we do in this Digital Media Generation?
Audio + PC is the place to be Randy V. Audio-Dude/Musician/Crazy Guy
#646942 - 01/31/07 03:04 AM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 930
Loc: New York, USA
Best advice I could give at the moment is to stay with XP. Its proven to be a very stable program with audio and video and will be supported by microsoft for at least a couple more years I would think, Im not changing till they pry XP from my cold dead computer or untill I have a good enough reason, IE some new software or interface wont run on XP.
Actually, Im QUITE serious
#646944 - 01/31/07 03:19 AM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Liege Maximo
Registered: 10/31/04
Posts: 1048
Loc: Tx
I caddied for an event at Barton Creek CC today. It was a group from Emerson IT. All the IT heads from Emerson. They were the worst golfers I've ever seen so I ended up talking to a few guys about Vista and this is what I heard.
There are going to be major driver issues. I heard that there will be many problems with our new flat panel screens that we have all bought over the last couple years and I also heard that trying to play unlicensed movies and music is a no go. All the guys in my foursome said they probably would wait another couple of years. I talked to another guy that said "no one in this outing will be switching their personal systems for 2 to 3 years". And someone else said that the graphic environment is great but he doesn't need a pretty computer that doesn't work.
I also heard about the driver issues on some of the techy forums I use. However I imagine that those issues will get worked out fairly quickly, it'll be all the other bugs that are going to kill us.
I bought a laptop from Best Buy the other day (XP Media Center) and it came with a rebate. The rebate is an upgrade to windows Vista. It say's "Vista ready" on the pc but who know's. I'll probably upgrade to Vista and then put XP back on there as well.
#646946 - 01/31/07 04:21 AM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Registered: 04/26/99
Posts: 7515
Loc: Snellville, GA, US
Oh, all your audio/video software will run fine. But you'll have to put a check in the box of a Vista generated license message which will have about three pages of text, right at the bottom of which, in 4 pt. Arial Narrow font, will be a clause saying that you will assign all copyrights of every piece of music you currently own that is played using any Operating System coordinated audio/video software directly to Microsoft.
#646947 - 01/31/07 04:29 AM
Re: How do I know if my Audio/Video software will work on Vista?
Loquacious Planeteer
Registered: 04/16/99
Posts: 32902
Loc: Sol III
seems fair to me!
i'm also ready for the full body cavities search specified in the said agreement.