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#688373 - 04/09/08 04:33 PM Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
Installing an IDE to Flash Media (CF or SD) Adapter in a Roland VS-840

Foreward: There are several great reasons to convert a VS-840 to an EX OS v2.05 with an IDE Flash Media (CF or SD) Adapter. 1) Silent operation. 2) Song backup to a PC equipped with a Flash Media reader/writer. VS-840 formatted disks are FAT16 and recognized by Windows OS. 3) Convert VS-840 sound files to WAV using Roland's free BR8 to WAV Converter software program available from the It even converts VS-840 MT1 files (Jim Y*).

Prerequisite and Qualifications: These instructions assume your VS-840 has been updated to EX OS v2.05. While the CF and SD mods work with GX OS v2.52 (marcomenator*), the GX has 16 V-tracks which means songs must be converted to EX format (8 V-tracks) before using the Roland BR8 to WAV Converter. Several users have flashed their GX machines backward to EX OS v2.05 to take full advantage of the CF or SD mods. Flash update files and instructions are on the Roland US site.

Caution and Disclaimer: No warranty is expressed or implied herein. Use these instructions at your own risk. If your VS-840 suffers a BAD FLASH, or you break it doing the hardware mod, you are responsible. If you live where it's dry and cold, take appropriate anti-static precautions.

CF Adapters that work in a VS-840EX with v2.05 OS:

SD/MMC/MS Adapters that work in a VS-840EX with v2.05 OS:

DISCONTINUED CF and MULTI Adapters that work in a VS-840EX with v2.05 OS:

CF and MULTI Adapters that DO NOT work:

A few things you should know:

1) Not all CF cards are compatible. A partial list of known compatible CF cards are:
  • TwinMOS 512Mb, p/n FCF512S (Jim Y*)
  • PQI 512Mb, p/n AC16-5120-0121 (John444*)
  • Rosewill 512Mb, p/n RCF512 (John444*)
  • Lexar 512Mb, p/n 2175 and p/n 2431 (DrMarvelo*) and 2434 (pahollenbergs*) and 2250A (GrahamP*) and Lexar 2175A (Jimmyrock*)
  • Verbatim 512Mb, p/n 47009 (Desoto*)
  • Kingmax 512Mb, p/n KCF512M-TB (Jim Y*)
  • Sandisk 1Gb, p/n SDCFB (Jimmyrock*)
  • Lexar 1Gb, p/n CF1GB-231 (DrMarvelo* and Dhart*)
  • Kingston Elite Pro 1Gb, p/n CF/1GB-S (Jim Y*)

A partial list of known compatible SD and MMC cards are:
  • inx 512Mb, p/n A371016 0512 0741 (John444*)
  • Sandisk 1Gb, p/n BB0717612050D (John444*)
  • PNY 1Gb, p/n SD-M01G 0521 TK0183L (John444*)

2) VS-840EX formatted 256Mb CF cards are incompatible with Windows OS. All 256Mb CF cards suffer from the same format issue as ZIP 250 disks. While a CF equipped VS-840EX can use a compatible 256Mb CF card, Windows can NOT read or write to it.

3) ACS CF drive rendered inoperable the SCSI port in my VS-840 original (John444*). SCSI port remains operable in VS-840GX back flashed to v2.05 (TonJ*).
The SCSI port has been re-tested with the ACS adapter and it works. A faulty ZIP drive or cable was apparently responsible for the erroneous results of the first test (John444*)

This is an easy modification. Help is available here at in the VS-840 forum.

Finally, thanks to Jim Yale (JimY) who pioneered the CF mod and helped me find a CF adapter in the US. Thanks also to the Planeteers who've experimented with other drives and media and reported their findings, included herein. Now let’s make some sparks! ( ;\) )

Jack Helser, aka Cornjerker (formerly John444) at

* = Tested and Confirmed by VSPlanet member name.

This post is maintained by the author. It is available in PDF format with 14 photographs and detailed instructions for making the hardware modification, at the author's web site, below. Alternate flash readers and media as reported *in this thread*, will be added to this document via periodic updates. (800Kb)

#688514 - 04/09/08 10:08 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
jazz4man Offline

Registered: 03/28/08
Posts: 45
Loc: Ga
Nice job Corny! This should become a sticky for sure!

You would know it did bring up a question.

I've always recorded my songs with the MT2 setting. Is this the norm, since it's supposedly the best quality or do most use MT1?

Does this question even make any sense, since i don't have my manual in front of me to know what I'm asking?

Whew, that last question didn't even make sense to me.

Trying to make life easier.

P.S. pray for Gregg Allman. He's very ill right know.

#688524 - 04/09/08 10:30 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: jazz4man]
jimmyrock Offline
Department Head of Redundancy Department Head

Registered: 12/18/05
Posts: 10871
Loc: America's File Cabinet
Here is a 512 that works Lexar 2175 which is listed above so may just be a duplicate but mine has an additional Rev A aprt number on it.

Here is a 1 gig that does not work: SANDISK SDCFJ copywrite '03

#688525 - 04/09/08 10:30 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: jazz4man]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
MT1 is better quality - years ago, JimY did some tests with MT1 and MT2 by bouncing tracks and measuring the noise introduced by bouncing ... MT1 was measurably better than MT2 as I recall. The only limitation on MT1 is recording 2 tracks at once, compared to MT2 which records 4. I did my first CD in MT2, on VS-840 with 100Mb zip disks. Funny - I remastered a couple yesterday in the PC after bringing them over via BR8 to WAV Converter - after normalizing tracks, mixing down, compressing the master to -14db average rms power, I can hear the ZIP drive churning on the fade outs ... ;\) Ah the memories ... \:p

#688526 - 04/09/08 10:31 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: jimmyrock]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
Thanks Jimmy. It's official, Sandisk is a pain in the butt! ;\) \:p
#688529 - 04/09/08 10:34 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
jimmyrock Offline
Department Head of Redundancy Department Head

Registered: 12/18/05
Posts: 10871
Loc: America's File Cabinet
 Originally Posted By: Cornjerker
Thanks Jimmy. It's official, Sandisk is a pain in the butt! ;\) \:p

Well I had nothing to lose when I purchased these becasue I needed one for my camera, so the first one worked on the 840 the second one didnt and its in my camera today.

#688548 - 04/09/08 10:55 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: jimmyrock]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
All my flash gear uses SD media - so I've bought a cheap IDE to SD reader to try in my 840 - will report on that after testing ... there seems to be greater availability of small SD cards than CF cards anymore ... so if it works, it would let me standardize on SD media, and might alleviate the problem with scarcity of 512Mb to 1Gb CF disks.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with 1 lb. of raw hamburger.


#688558 - 04/09/08 11:35 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
jazz4man Offline

Registered: 03/28/08
Posts: 45
Loc: Ga
Are you saying that you can't record e.g. tracks 5/6, say for instance my drum tracks, at once, in MT1?

I noticed a link to
'Randy\'s VS840 Document Web Page.' Is this site still available? (Since I'm at work the site is denied)
the thread is several years old, but seems to promise a better understanding of the workings of the 840.

No, tell me it's not true.
My CF reader for the 840 hasn't arrived yet. So are we fixin' to go for a different reader again?

#688590 - 04/10/08 12:20 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: jazz4man]
jimmyrock Offline
Department Head of Redundancy Department Head

Registered: 12/18/05
Posts: 10871
Loc: America's File Cabinet
you can certainly record drums to track 5/6 in MT1 but the limitaion is two simulataneous tracks in MT1 if I recall correctly.....randy's guide is still advice: EZ routing is your friend and once you have a routing you use frequently you can save it as a USER ROUTING...
#688605 - 04/10/08 01:00 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: jazz4man]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
My CF reader for the 840 hasn't arrived yet. So are we fixin' to go for a different reader again?

Nah ... I just saw a cheap and unique drive and thought I'd give it a spin ...

I been working on a house for the last 3 years and I'm done now - and going nuts! And I'm tired of tormenting the cat. So apparently, it's time to make some sparks! ;\)


PS - we have a history of playing with different kinds of storage technology ... see this link:

#688610 - 04/10/08 01:49 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
jazz4man Offline

Registered: 03/28/08
Posts: 45
Loc: Ga
Just kiddin'. I'm still excited bout the upgrade. Waiting for all the hardware so I can get busy.

If it wasn't for all the experimenting ya'll do we'd be in the world of working too many jobs to buy new stuff that we wouldn't have time to use.

Keep doin what you're doin. We're all benefitting.


#690346 - 04/15/08 02:42 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: jazz4man]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
Updated the original post to add the SD/MMC/MS adapter below:

SD/MMC Adapters that work in a VS-840EX with v2.05 OS:
  • P/N: SY-IDE2MC-4 from Syba (SD/MMC adapter) (John444*)

A partial list of known compatible SD and MMC cards are:
  • inx 512Mb, p/n A371016 0512 0741 (John444*)
  • Sandisk 1Gb, p/n BB0717612050D (John444*)
  • PNY 1Gb, p/n SD-M01G 0521 TK0183L (John444*)

#712019 - 06/08/08 08:45 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
Bassmusician Offline
Planeteer/Artist # 184

Registered: 04/01/02
Posts: 2803
Loc: St Louis area
Great to see that you are back here helpin the 840 folks!!! Right on Bro!!
Also, I dig the new layout here! Hope all is well. I'm workin on a few projects, but lately I start um, and never finish Listenin to "Planet People" at the moment, my sons wife's mother, wants a CD of some of my songs... hahaha.. woman must be a gluton for punishment!!
The "Other" Jack
My VS Planet Site with Free MP3 downloads and more Click Here

Never argue with an Ignorant person. They will just reduce you to their level and you can never win, because they have so much more experience than you!

#730606 - 07/22/08 08:02 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Bassmusician]
mpettigrew Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 06/28/08
Posts: 1
I just installed the addonics ADIDECF adapter, and it seems to work fine with a Lexar Platinum II 80x speed 2GB CF card p/n 2430 Rev A (which I happened to have in my camera).
#730750 - 07/23/08 12:31 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: mpettigrew]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
Make sure you can put that 2gb cf card in your PC ... in my experience, windows does not like partitioned CF cards - and will report it as not formatted.

THe only way to get it back to 2Gb card, is to cycle it back through your camera or some other flash media device and format it (I used a Palm Tungsten to re-format a 2gb SD card that the 840 had partitioned into 2 1gb partitions)

#741428 - 08/15/08 06:07 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
wcameron2005 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 07/30/08
Posts: 15¤cy=GBP&products_id=77
If I installed this in my VS840 EX, would it work? (assuming it was attached to a joining plate, naturally)

EDIT: My bad... it obviously wouldn't cause the IDE connector is missing. ._.

EDIT: My bad my bad. There appears to be an IDE connector, its just upright

EDIT: Oh Jesus. Just discovered this was the wrong place. Oh damn.

Edited by wcameron2005 (08/15/08 06:25 PM)

#741467 - 08/15/08 06:48 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: wcameron2005]
Hook Administrator Offline
Admin / Slacker

Registered: 01/03/01
Posts: 6526
Loc: Venice, FL
Wrong place? Huh?

#741499 - 08/15/08 08:23 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Hook]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
No problem. Looks like it could work. The ones that don't work are the ones intended to be hot-swappable which have a bios type chip. That one doesn't appear to have such a chip - though I can't see the other side, where obviously the power connector is.

If it does work, please report back to us and I'll include it in the PDF file and amend the first post; as it's always nice to have a source for IDE to CF adapters in Europe.


#741510 - 08/15/08 09:05 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
wcameron2005 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 07/30/08
Posts: 15
Well if it does, it's only £1.15 (about $2.25), and granted by the time you add a joining plate to that you're looking at around six dollars... Can anyone see a catch with that (considering people are considering throwing 100 dollars plus for the privilege of using SD cards with their VS)?

I noticed this is for attaching two CF cards, will this impinge any results?

Edited by wcameron2005 (08/15/08 09:11 PM)

#741563 - 08/15/08 10:39 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: wcameron2005]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
Two of the adapters I've used, take SD cards, which seem to have less trouble with card compatibility and work with all the 1Gb SD cards I've put in them.
* P/N: SY-IDE2MC-4 from (SD/MMC/MS adapter) (John444*)
* P/N: SY-IDE2MC-4A from (SD/MMC/MS slot works, CF slot does not) (John444*)

I could not find an adapter plate for them however. A long IDE cable with power extension lets me have the Syba adapter outside the 840. I suppose I could make an adapter plate out of wood - but I'm afraid people would laugh at me. ;\)

#741690 - 08/16/08 09:44 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
wcameron2005 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 07/30/08
Posts: 15

Is this the 1GB Sandisk CF card in your compatibility list?

#741724 - 08/16/08 02:14 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: wcameron2005]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
Probably not.

1G CF cards have been hit and miss with the VS-840 CF adapters. Sandisk for example, has several model numbers for 1G CF cards; only 1 has worked. I bought, tried and returned one that looked just like that because it didn't work. I suspect Sandisk buys cards in bulk from other manufacturers, tests and then marks them with the Sandisk label.

You are better off going for an SD adapter like the SYBA because it is more 'robust' or 'tolerant' of cards. I could *not* find an SD card that DIDN'T work in the Syba SD reader - in other words, every SD card I tried worked in the Syba. One word of caution, avoid 250Mb cards and anything over 1Gb. Windows don't like them at all. A 512Mb or 1Gb SD card in a Syba reader would give you 250 and 500 minutes of recording time in MT2, respectively.

#742016 - 08/17/08 10:06 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
wcameron2005 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 07/30/08
Posts: 15

I can't find any site for the UK that has the Syba cards, will this suffice?

EDIT: I can see the power plug on that is too big... This looks more the ticket:

Edited by wcameron2005 (08/17/08 10:10 AM)

#742057 - 08/17/08 02:17 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: wcameron2005]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
The 2nd one at is identical in layout / markings to my Syba SY-IDE2MC-4 card, with one exception. The IC on the upper right, labeled 'SST' is different than mine, which is a 'Flash', p/n N28F010-150, U4050046.

Physically, I'm sure it would work, but, who knows IF it's a different BIOS. Why not contact the seller for a manufacturer name and part number of the adapter? It might just be the Syba card, and the only difference is the maker of the physical ROM chip. The BIOS onboard could be the same - just a different chip.

Make sure you can return it if it does not work. Though IF it's a Syba, it comes in some nearly indestructible plastic package. ;\)

#743429 - 08/20/08 10:30 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
wcameron2005 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 07/30/08
Posts: 15
Would it be possible to save a song to a 100MB zip disk, then put that disk in an external zip drive on my PC and copy the song to a CF card so I could use it in Roland's converting software?
#743588 - 08/20/08 04:30 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: wcameron2005]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
If you have an external ZIP on your PC, you should be able to use the Roland converting software on it directly.

You can format the CF in your VS-840, put it in your PC media reader, put the ZIP 100 in your external PC drive, 'drag and drop' (copy) the entire contents of the ZIP to the CF card. The CF will play in your VS-840 just fine. Just remember to format the CF in your VS-840 first.

#744161 - 08/21/08 01:17 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
wcameron2005 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 07/30/08
Posts: 15
So wait a sec- If all I want to do is be able to transfer my recordings directly to a PC and edit them, I don't need to buy and install a card adapter (I can just get an external zip for mp PC)? The problem is I have 20+ ZIP disks and I don't want to blow a ton of cash on something that will defeat the purpose of having all those disks.

One final question- Can I copy a song from a 250MB zip disk to a 100MB ZIP disk with just the internal drive on my VS840 EX?

#744186 - 08/21/08 02:01 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: wcameron2005]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
If you have a ZIP drive on your PC, you can import songs from ZIP 100 to your PC, with the BR8 to WAV converter software, *directly*. No need for a CF drive to do that.

You can do an 'internal' song copy from 250 to 100Mb ZIP disk in the VS840EX internal drive (only). But be prepared to swap disks a gazillion times, PER disk.

Unfortunately Cameron, the alternatives for 'quickly' copying from 250 to some other media that can be used by the PC are costly. I had to track down the rare Vs4s-1 SCSI adapter (like $50-$100 IF you can find one), then purchased an external SCSI ZIP drive (250/100), AND an external 1Gb JAZ cartridge drive, AND a SCSI board for my PC. I'll bet I've got $200 tied up in scsi interfaces, drives and cables. But it gives me the ability to read/write all forms of 840 disks. Not that I need it now with the CF drive. \:\(

#744200 - 08/21/08 02:38 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
wcameron2005 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 07/30/08
Posts: 15
OK then... I know Windows can't read 250 MB disks, but as long as I use 100 MB disks, a 250MB Zip DRIVE should work with my PC, right?

I know about the benefits of noiseless recording and such, but I just can't find a CF or Multi adapter WITH the joining plate at a price I can afford (here in the UK).

Edited by wcameron2005 (08/21/08 02:40 PM)

#744210 - 08/21/08 03:02 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Compact Flash Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: wcameron2005]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
 Originally Posted By: wcameron2005
OK then... I know Windows can't read 250 MB disks, but as long as I use 100 MB disks, a 250MB Zip DRIVE should work with my PC, right?

It should. There was a time when I removed the ZIP 100 drive from my VS-840 and temporarily installed it in my PC, on the IDE cable normally connected to the CDROM drive.

#752464 - 09/04/08 12:50 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
Eriq Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 08/26/08
Posts: 12
Loc: Lehigh Valley, PA
Has anyone tried the SanDisk 1GB CF card - # SDCFJ?



#752512 - 09/04/08 02:09 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Eriq]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
Jimmyrock wrote this in April:

Here is a 1 gig that does not work: SANDISK SDCFJ copywrite '03

#761771 - 09/21/08 02:05 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
Guys, I'm starting a kitchen remodel on Monday 9/22, so I won't be around here regularly like I have been.

This post is up to date as is the pictorial CF/SD modification at

There's some other files of interest at ... I'll try to put up an index that describes the content of the files at

IF anyone needs to contact me concerning the Flash Media Adapter mod, you can reach me at: ... just replace the _at_ with @.

Jack Helser (aka John444 / Cornjerker) (Christian music) (Rock with my former internet band)

#797203 - 12/06/08 10:53 AM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: Cornjerker]
JT1 Offline
Space Cadet

Registered: 01/23/08
Posts: 4
Hi All,

Just wanted to share another setup with y'all...

I'm using a Dell E1705 laptop as the PC. Also have an SATA/IDE to USB adapter device (from Mosscool; model ADT-UPS003-S) purchased from newegg. My laptop has an SD reader built in.

I installed the Siba (model SY-IDE2MC-4A) on my VS-840 (software version 1.05) and only had a 2G SD card laying around (it's a sandiisk). Works fine... VS creates a 1G partition on it. I can swithc it back and forth between my PC/camera/and VS-840 no problem. Using built in card reader... can get the VS files and convert using the BR8 file, no problem. Can also connect the Siba card to the IDE/uSB device and get files.

With the IDE/USB device, I can connect my 100MB zip drive to the PC and get all my old stuff into the PC for coversion with the BR8 file (latest one that you can find on Cornjerker's list). I also have a 250MB zip drive, but cannot get the PC to recognize it... could be a driver issue, and I haven't really looked that hard into it.

I also have a few old laptop hard drives of various sizes (3GB, 8GB flash type and a 120GB) which also work on the VS... it just creates a 1G partition as that's all it can handle. Plug into the IDE/USB device and get files to PC for wav converstion.

I'm using a basic free version of Cuebase LE to manipulate the wav files...real new at this but it's been fun!

Thanks Cornjerker for all the information... you have revived this old machine for me.

Kind Regards,

#799075 - 12/11/08 03:30 PM Re: Installing an IDE to Flash Media Adapter in a Roland VS-840 [Re: JT1]
Cornjerker Offline

Registered: 11/16/04
Posts: 5597
Loc: CornvILLe
 Originally Posted By: JT1
I installed the Siba (model SY-IDE2MC-4A) on my VS-840 (software version 1.05) and only had a 2G SD card laying around (it's a sandiisk). Works fine...

You probably meant version 2.05 ;\)

The 2Gb card - had one work in my VS-840EXCF, but Windows XP Home on my old HP Pavilion P4-2.6 and the built in card reader always wanted to format the 2Gb card - it wouldn't recognize that the VS had partitioned it ...

The hard part was formatting it back to a 2gb card - windows wouldn't FDisk the thing to save my life - finally popped it into my Palm Tungsten E PDA and that took care of it. ;\)

Enjoy the machine, JT.

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